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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2018
After 4-5 hours of downloading iOS 12 on my 5S and SE, I could compare the two. I can't say anything about the battery life because in my 5S, my battery's health is 60%, in my SE, it's 90%, so not the best.
Here is is the comparison:
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macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
You can’t speak for anybody but yourself and maybe some family and a few close friends. You cannot know about the “vast majority.”

The iPhone 6 takes 3-4 seconds to open settings. 8 seconds for YouTube. iMessage takes 2-3 seconds. Uber takes 7-8 seconds. The 5s would be even worse. In what universe is this usable?


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
How do you check the battery health on 5S? On my 5S there is no battery statistics section introduced in 11.4. So, I thought it shows only for iPhone 6 and above with new poer controller chip.

After 4-5 hours of downloading iOS 12 on my 5S and SE, I could compare the two. I can't say anything about the battery life because in my 5S, my battery's health is 60%, in my SE, it's 90%, so not the best.
Here is is the comparison:

There is no downside to iOS 12 gm. I have it installed on 2 5s’ thus far.

For a 5 year old phone, battery is good, performance is good.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
The iPhone 6 takes 3-4 seconds to open settings. 8 seconds for YouTube. iMessage takes 2-3 seconds. Uber takes 7-8 seconds. The 5s would be even worse. In what universe is this usable?
I would throw my 5s against the wall if this were the case. But it’s not. Settings opens nearly instantly on my 5s.
How do you check the battery health on 5S? On my 5S there is no battery statistics section introduced in 11.4. So, I thought it shows only for iPhone 6 and above with new poer controller chip.
Don’t think you can check battery health in a 5s. All I’m suggesting is for a 5 year old phone with the original battery battery life if more than acceptable under iOS 12.


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
Okay thanks.. that's what I thought. I agree, my 5S is doing fairly well on 11.4.1 so now waiting for 12.

Don’t think you can check battery health in a 5s. All I’m suggesting is for a 5 year old phone with the original battery battery life if more than acceptable under iOS 12.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2015
I would throw my 5s against the wall if this were the case. But it’s not. Settings opens nearly instantly on my 5s.

Yep. Earlier today I played around with my old iPhone 6 on the latest iOS 11 that my mother currently uses, and this three to four seconds -nonsense is just that, nonsense, with a healthy dose of hyperbole mixed in.
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macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2014
How do you check the battery health on 5S? On my 5S there is no battery statistics section introduced in 11.4. So, I thought it shows only for iPhone 6 and above with new poer controller chip.

I would try using Coconut Battery.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
The iPhone 6 takes 3-4 seconds to open settings. 8 seconds for YouTube. iMessage takes 2-3 seconds. Uber takes 7-8 seconds. The 5s would be even worse. In what universe is this usable?

Is this on the same timing scale where the default 1/3 second the phone waits to see if you're double pressing or not is "planned obsolescence" that totally takes 2 seconds? Asking for a friend.
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macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
If I upgrade my iPhone6 and get sub 3 second timing to open Settings, does that mean that Apple shipped me an iPhone7 by mistake? That would be amazing!


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
Is this on the same timing scale where the default 1/3 second the phone waits to see if you're double pressing or not is "planned obsolescence" that totally takes 2 seconds? Asking for a friend.

I haven’t measured with a stopwatch. Those measurements are based on how long I feel the delay is. iPhone 6,5s is unusable. Even budget $150 Androids perform better at this point.


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
Apple has a vendetta against you specifically. All of the old iPhones that my family has, and we have a lot, work perfectly fine.

Anything below the 6s would be downright unusable and a horrible experience. If a phone takes 8-9 seconds to open YouTube, it’s as good as dead.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Anything below the 6s would be downright unusable and a horrible experience. If a phone takes 8-9 seconds to open YouTube, it’s as good as dead.
I haven’t seen a phone that takes about 10 seconds to open YouTube. Even my 5s opens Youtube very quickly.
I haven’t measured with a stopwatch. Those measurements are based on how long I feel the delay is. iPhone 6,5s is unusable. Even budget $150 Androids perform better at this point.
My two 5s are both usable, to me.


macrumors 68040
Feb 4, 2011
The iPhone 6 takes 3-4 seconds to open settings. 8 seconds for YouTube. iMessage takes 2-3 seconds. Uber takes 7-8 seconds. The 5s would be even worse. In what universe is this usable?

Running ios12 on an iPhone 5s with a healthy battery is actually pretty good.

You’re describing how an original iPad 2 works.


macrumors 68040
Apr 12, 2012
The iPhone 6 takes 3-4 seconds to open settings. 8 seconds for YouTube. iMessage takes 2-3 seconds. Uber takes 7-8 seconds. The 5s would be even worse. In what universe is this usable?
Just tested on my old iPhone 6 which is on iOS 12 GM. I force quit all apps first, so none of these are loading from memory.

I used the stopwatch on my iPhone 8. I tapped the app icon and start button at the same time and then tapped stop when the app fully loaded. Obviously timing won’t be perfect, and I’ve rounded tunes up or down a bit for presentation.

Settings = 1 second
iMessage = 1.5 seconds
YouTube = 3 seconds
Uber = 2.75 seconds

I think your iPhone 6 needs its battery replaced or has a fault of some other kind.
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