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What size and configuration will you order

  • iPhone 7 32 g

    Votes: 90 3.2%
  • iPhone 7 128 g

    Votes: 396 14.2%
  • iPhone 7 256 g

    Votes: 82 2.9%
  • iPhone 7 Plus 32 g

    Votes: 160 5.7%
  • iPhone 7 Plus 128 g

    Votes: 1,427 51.3%
  • iPhone 7 Plus 256 g

    Votes: 702 25.2%

  • Total voters
It's arrived! And it's gorgeous.




I love that matte black! Beautiful phone. Congrats!
so i noticed there are some ups flights leaving alaska and going directly to ontario.... i wonder if there ANY chance that our phone ended up being rerouted instead of going through louisville?

i'm going from a 6s+ SG 128 GB to a 7+ RG 256 GB (hubby's going from 6s SG 128 to a 7 matte black 128 GB)

i wonder how many times i'll wake up tonight and check tracking and flight status!?
Good catch.
Could very well be.
so i noticed there are some ups flights leaving alaska and going directly to ontario.... i wonder if there ANY chance that our phone ended up being rerouted instead of going through louisville?

i'm going from a 6s+ SG 128 GB to a 7+ RG 256 GB (hubby's going from 6s SG 128 to a 7 matte black 128 GB)

i wonder how many times i'll wake up tonight and check tracking and flight status!?

I wish this would be true! I asked this earlier. Was told that there was no way of that happening. It has to go through the main center in Louisville for customs I guess. I work graveyards. So i'll be up all night refreshing. What part of California are you located? My phones has to be in the Anaheim local hub for me by 7AM!
My order went from "Processing Items" straight to "Ready for Pick-Up," and I just received an e-mail from Apple with a barcode for check-in when I get to the store. Were they holding them at the store this whole time?? Haha. Good luck everyone waiting for UPS/FedEx to arrive tomorrow!
Those with a 4pm departure from Anchorage,

It's a almost a 6 hour flight. If the plane did leave at 5pm PST it won't arrive till around 11pm PST. Looks like it's been taking about 2-4 hours for transfers and re routes, so if we're lucky it will be back in the air to your local hubs by 1am-3am PST. Not sure if that's likely. More likely is 6-8am PST.
My order went from "Processing Items" straight to "Ready for Pick-Up," and I just received an e-mail from Apple with a barcode for check-in when I get to the store. Were they holding them at the store this whole time?? Haha. Good luck everyone waiting for UPS/FedEx to arrive tomorrow!

I'm waiting for the same. They must be setting up the stores for tomorrow and scanning phones.
Those with a 4pm departure from Anchorage,

It's a almost a 6 hour flight. If the plane did leave at 5pm PST it won't arrive till around 11pm PST. Looks like it's been taking about 2-4 hours for transfers and re routes, so if we're lucky it will be back in the air to your local hubs by 1am-3am PST. Not sure if that's likely. More likely is 6-8am PST.

Quit being a downer. UPS changed our delivery date back to the 16th. It will be there tomorrow.
Mine is in Louisville (I'm in Columbus). Would love to be notified of a departure scan soon. It's only about a 3.5 - 4 hour drive. Would sleep better after getting that notification. :)
Anyone in the Bay Area? Mine has been seating in Oakland for the past 4 hours. Will they ship it from there to my address? I'm in SF
I ordered late (just yesterday) so I'm in the October 7 - 13 timeframe. I'm actually hoping for a delay just in case there are issues (so that I can cancel). But can't wait to hear the experiences of the real first adopters. I'm buying an unlocked version outright. I am disappointed that there is no dual SIM support (unlike the last iPad release). But when I go to Africa next year I expect to take my iPad instead of my MacBook, so no matter.
Still "ships 2-3 weeks" on Apple website 6 days after preorder (except the JB), and a lot of us who ordered last Friday are in the same window. Something tells me that the iPhone upgrade program lawsuit threat, is gonna screw non iPhone upgraders out of a phone in a timely fashion.
Let's share some crazy release day stories:

When the 3GS came out, I was going to be in Vegas for the release, so I pre-ordered and had it shipped to my hotel (I think Bally's). Since I had used my wife's upgrade (and she was flying to Vegas the next night due to work conflicts), I couldn't actually activate the phone until she arrived, or else it would de-activate hers (you had to activate your phone with the number it was sold to, then you could swap SIM cards).

For the 4, my phone was delivered a day early (6/23 instead of 6/24), so that was kind of fun. Only time that ever happened to me.

When the 6 came out, I was going to be at a rental beach house, and by then they got smart and only let you ship to your AT&T billing address (assuming you had AT&T, of course), so, knowing that, I changed my billing address to the address of the rental house on the AT&T site, placed my order, then, after the phone had shipped, I set my address back to my actual address on the AT&T site.

Looking back, any number of things (shipping delays, mostly) could have really messed up plans.

Anyone else have any launch day stories to share?

Ordered an AT&T 7+ Black (Matt) 256GB via Apple App on phone. CC was charged this afternoon & order changed to Prep. To Ship. Doubtful it'll be here tomorrow. I'm in the Sept 27th - 29th range. Order went through at 3:15AM EST

Now for some fun release stories:

Original iPhone: I waited in line for 6 hours. Got in line at noon. #35 in line. I remember being interviewed for local TV. I had a lot of people talking to me because I wore my old retired Apple employee shirt. Lots of fun. Met some awesome people in line too. All my family saw me on the news. Lol My professor dismissed lecture early so I could get to the store a mile down the road, on the condition he got to play with it Monday morning. I kept my end of the bargain. Haha

iPhone 3G: Woke up at 4AM and got to the store and waited in line. This time I was interviewed for radio. Again probably because I wore another old, retired, Apple shirt. My good friend was in town and she wanted to see it. So we drove over to the hotel she was staying at and gave her a demo. That was fun.

iPhone 3GS: Was lucky to get one from the AT&T store. They were having computer issues on launch day. Glad I got it though as I was leaving on a trip the next day. South Bend, IN didn't have an Apple Store yet.

iPhone 4: Preordered at same AT&T store and got very lucky as their computer network went down after getting my order in. Arrived on time.

iPhone 4S: Pre ordered from Apple Online. Arrived on time.

iPhone 5: Same as 4S.

iPhone 5S: Same as previous 2 entries except ordered from AT&T online. Arrived on time.

iPhone 6 Plus: Got my order in around 3:06 AM EST via AT&T. Took 2 weeks to ship.

iPhone 6S Plus: Same as above but got my order in at 3:01 AM EST. Phone arrived following Monday.

And here we are today. Hoping the fact I didn't order from AT&T proves to be better. Time will tell!
Arrived in Baldwin Park, CA which is the nearest hub by me next to Ontario, CA. Glad to know it's in the neighborhood.
Mine just updated to preparing for shipment, my estimated delivery day is shown as the 29th, but damn would be a nice surprise if I got mine tomorrow.
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