Anyone with a pre-order of ATT 256 GB black Iphone 7+ with with delivery date of 9/23-9/27? If so, what is your status? Mine is still in processing and it seems the pre-orders that are being moved up to earlier arrival are the 128 GB models. Seems like a shortage on 256 GB models.
Only a couple more days to go until I really start to get worried.
My order for ATT 256GB Black 7+ was completed on 9/9 at ~3:15am. Delivery date was supposed to be 9/23-9/27. Started Preparing for Shipment last Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Shipped yesterday at around noonish. UPS tracking says delivery tomorrow (9/20) by end of day.
It's kind of weird cause the only scans so far are the origin and location scans in ZengZhou from yesterday... Hopefully it's either almost in Anchorage/Louisville or somewhere into the US!
Thankfully, I won't have to wait that long because I'm a Teamster and all the UPS guys in my area are all in my local. Anytime I have a package coming, one of my brothers will grab it for me and I'll get meet up with him first thing tomorrow morning as he starts his route