if you get charged, please quote me xDSame, 9/24 lol. Let's hope we get it on time.
if you get charged, please quote me xDSame, 9/24 lol. Let's hope we get it on time.
I amI ordered my iPhone 7 Plus Jet Black 128gb on release date approx 12:30 am
Any one in same boat? Still processing?
if you get charged, please quote me xD
I ordered my 7+ jet black on 9/9 email confirmation 14 min after pre-order started. Delivery date October 18-31, still processing. You are not aloneI ordered my iPhone 7 Plus Jet Black 128gb on release date approx 12:30 am
Any one in same boat? Still processing?
Well whenever I order something.. and I REALLY want it...this tends to happen..(or so it feels) Now.. I order an iPhone case, or something else and ... no trouble. But I think its possible we missed a scan, from similar experiences (not iPhones) I've checked my tracking and suddenly all the missed scans are in there plus its location changed. I'm hoping that is the case in this situation.
My tracking is the same with no movement. What is your location now?
Exact same as my last screen shot, in fact I'll just pull that url up, since its still relevant.
What did all of the people who are showing no movement order? I ordered a Jet Black iPhone 7.. not a plus.. so I feel special haha.
Exact same as my last screen shot, in fact I'll just pull that url up, since its still relevant.
What did all of the people who are showing no movement order? I ordered a Jet Black iPhone 7.. not a plus.. so I feel special haha.
My iPhone is also a Jet Black not a plus. Yes you are special. LOL The bottom two times are a little different but the top time are the same. My Order Processed is 10:07 A.M. with yours 10:05 A.M. and Origin Scan My is 5:32 P.M. yours 5:37 P.M. They are in the same box. LOL My is coming to me in Seattle. Where is yours going?
Mine is hopefully going to Chattanooga, Tennessee.
I woke up this morning checked my UPS app and.... was ripped of potential happiness by seeing that Zhengzhou staring back at me. The next step in the illness here will be coming up with a numerical club name "cough" 2:04 Club "cough"
UI don't see delivery on Tuesday happening.
Both of my orders took almost two business days to leave the ZhengZhou facility.UPS status shows that the latest arrival scan was 10/2 4:45 A.M in Zhengzhou, China, which is 10/1 4:45 p.m. EST.
So it has been there over 30 hours with no movement...
God... What's going on...
From my experiences (2 orders), both took another two business days to leave ZhengZhou again.Exact same as my last screen shot, in fact I'll just pull that url up, since its still relevant.
What did all of the people who are showing no movement order? I ordered a Jet Black iPhone 7.. not a plus.. so I feel special haha.
Oh my... This is weird. Sometimes it takes 2 days from China to delivery, and sometimes it takes a whole week!Both of my orders took almost two business days to leave the ZhengZhou facility.
View attachment 662423
View attachment 662424
You could be right, mine jumped from China to Kentuckyits already moving and just not being scanned
I think our phones are in the same batch.Ridiculous. No movement all weekend.
Oh my... This is weird. Sometimes it takes 2 days from China to delivery, and sometimes it takes a whole week!
I ordered my 7+ jet black on 9/9 email confirmation 14 min after pre-order started. Delivery date October 18-31, still processing. You are not alone