who are you? you seem to have special knowledge? Or is it that buddy that works in a store that is feeding you info?That will actually be when you get it.
who are you? you seem to have special knowledge? Or is it that buddy that works in a store that is feeding you info?That will actually be when you get it.
So basically I should have stayed with a carrier that uses FedEx. This whole tmobile experience has been a regular hootenanny. The csr's who can speak English are super helpful and confident... they're just all wrong, the csr's who can't speak English are probably just as helpful and confident... they're just unintelligible. Legere seems to be just this side of a pumpkin and this whole preorder has been one giant clusterfark with little to no correct information flow from the company itself, we're having to find out through guys on the internet who have relatives who deliver papers to people who clean the toilets in the head office that MY IPHONE IS GOING TO BE LATE!
Of course, if I'd just paid attention to the original ship date I'd not be naked on top of the roof flinging poo at passersby at this point.
True. Unless youre order is a 7+, in which case it most likely won't be tomorrow. If your shipping date said 9/16 (which some did), then you'd be good to go.
I agree, one thing I'd like to know from previous tmobile preorder victims is if your cards were charged before the surprise deliveries. I understand the shipping process getting so fouled up that stuff goes out before the system knows about it, I've lived through many a Christmas after all, but I just can't see tmobile neglecting to collect the money before they ship the fun stuff.
Anyone from Miami or South Florida have a Plus model shipping soon?
We have UPS Expedited Next Day. Not saver. So Saturday is very possible.
Typically, yes. It's where ever your truck is a typically loaded. So you should be good to go!Great! Yes, the customer center I chose to pick up is in Baldwin Park, CA and I know for a fact that every UPS package I've received goes through Baldwin Park, CA before getting delivered, so it's same to say that's the center where they get loaded, yes?
Why is it hard for you guys to accept your ship dates?
Yes so if it's in Louisville today your getting your phone tomorrowoh its UPS next day air saver
I have the same dates and phone. I'm really hoping they're being shipped today...Been a MacRumors forums reader for years but never posted in one. Figured I'd post when I got an update. I pre-ordered a jet black 7 Plus with shipping dates 9/19-9/23. Haven't had an update on my order all week so I figured I'd talk to a rep today. Yes I know that they're clueless most of the time. Anyways, he said my order was showing a shipping date of 9/15. It's still showing at 9/19 on my end. Probably means nothing but I'm hoping the black 7+'s are finally starting to deliver.
What about the 32gb?People who ordered 128GB JB Plus directly from Apple are just starting to get charged.
I'm pretty sure I'm being sarcastic.I really hope you are being sarcastic... because if not, this thread has sunk to some pretty deep lows and this one takes the cake
Call JG Wentworth 877-CASH-NOW!Because people want their shiny new gadgets and they want it NOW.
I thought you were going to stop stalking the page? LOL. We both have the same shipping dates and i'm 99% sure that we won't get our phones tomorrow.Gosh I hope the matte plus's start coming soon
People are way too bent out of shape over this. Devices can still be charged and shipped tonight and delivered tomorrow. I have 9/19-9/26 delivery and I'm not worrying about it.
Because most of the time they are totally inaccurate and just placeholders since we all ordered so early and close together in time.Why is it hard for you guys to accept your ship dates?