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I won't lie, I went to AT&T at release and bought a temp phone at full price and had it unlocked just so I could have a 7+ to play with. It's a silver, but at least I have something to play with until my Jet Black comes in. T-Mobile stores in my area did not have a single 7 Plus period. There was a girl in line that had her mine set she was going to walk out of the store with a 128 GB JB 7+, I lol'd
ordered 128gb MB 7+ and 128gb RG 7 on 9/10/16. Original ship date was 9/27-10/10 (new customer). 2 days ago, my order page went from ORDER PLACED to BEING PROCESSED. This evening, it changed to BACKORDERED. Does this mean that my cc will be charged soon and it will ship, or I'm looking at dates being pushed back?

So why haven't I seen any movement with UPS yet ? Still at Ready for UPS. It'll be 24hours at 10:30 tonight..
The lady from the CEO's office told me yesterday "The good news is that your iPhone 7 Plus 128GB handset is ready to ship and should be leaving our warehouse in approximately 72 hrs." Label was created yesterday morning, so 72hrs would be Friday.
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Ya know...I read some of the other carrier forums....carbon copy of here, just a lot less pages.

ordered at midnight, was told this, as told that...where are my phones!?!? I'm leaving Verizon...ATT...Sprint...yadda.

Maybe it IS apple lol
The lady from the CEO's office told me yesterday "The good news is that your iPhone 7 Plus 128GB handset is ready to ship and should be leaving our warehouse in approximately 72 hrs." Label was created yesterday morning, so 72hrs would be Friday.
Looks like us 128 MB 7+ that didn't get charged yesterday are screwed until at least next week :(
The lady from the CEO's office told me yesterday "The good news is that your iPhone 7 Plus 128GB handset is ready to ship and should be leaving our warehouse in approximately 72 hrs." Label was created yesterday morning, so 72hrs would be Friday.

She was most likely playing it safe..The email which confirmed the order following the charge and label creation, said 48 hours. Even that is most likely conservative (just like the 9/26 date) but regardless expect UPS to have your (and my) package between 24 and 48 hours of the label being printed. That means, Thursday delivery if we are lucky (I'd give it a 50% chance) and a very likely Friday delivery.
The lady from the CEO's office told me yesterday "The good news is that your iPhone 7 Plus 128GB handset is ready to ship and should be leaving our warehouse in approximately 72 hrs." Label was created yesterday morning, so 72hrs would be Friday.
Well thats dumb, why did the lady say i should be able to pick it up first thing tomorrow morning
If this helps anybody's pain, I preordered both a 128 jb and a 32 b early am. the 32 black was delivered bright and early on launch day and still no news about the jb...
This may seem like a dumb question or may have already been asked but this is such a long thread so..

If the down payment is $0, will the $0 charge still show up on the cc statement (because they still asked for one to be entered in)?

Thank you in advance to whoever answers :)
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Does anybody who got charged have a change on the tmo site or app? I'm on jod and having it shipped to work so I won't get charged nor am I able to check myups
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Alright folks,

In total we got 143 responses for the survey, so thank you to everyone who completed it! Keep in mind I started writing this up earlier today, so those who have been charged or have updates over the past few hours may see some outdated information.

After sifting through a lot of your responses (and blatant mistypes, user errors, and generally mean things being written) here is the information on the individual types of phones ordered:

Black 32 GB

-28 responses (no charges)
-All orders # follow the order times chronology perfectly
-Orders on 9/9 before noon received 9/27-10/10 ship dates
-2 exceptions
-1 phone order at 4:00 AM Central had 9/19-9/26 dates (random, user error?)
-1 in store order
-Any orders after noon Pacific time went to 11/1-11/30 ship dates
-Someone managed to order in the future with a 10/9 order date (tell us how you did it?)

Black 128 GB

-55 responses (about ½ charged so far)
-All follow order # and time chronology perfectly
-All charged were from 9/9 preorders except one 9/15 order (user error?)
-All uncharged 9/9 orders have 9/27-/10/11 ships dates
-Exception were 3 orders (1 online checkout, 2 phone orders)
-EIP issues? No order #s given on these 3 exceptions
-Nobody has received phone

Black 256 GB

-10 responses (no charges)
-All but 1 on 9/9, and have 9/19-9/26 ship dates
-Only 2 order number responses given, so not enough data to look at
-One order number was “screw you”
-Same person was obviously upset because their estimated ship dates of 9/15-9/6 had passed. Didn’t know that range was possible (also apparently doesn't realize that I know exactly who they are once they submit the survey, thats one order I wish I could mess with)

Jet Black 128 GB

-36 responses (2 charged)
-1 ordered over phone at 12:02 AM Pacific
-1 ordered, online on 9/8 at 11:58 PM, has been received (got in early)
-only person to receive the 9/16 ship date
-After that, orders go to 9/19-9/26 time frame
-Online checkouts seem to have better ship dates
-Ship dates erratic and do not correspond well with order times
-Order #s correspond correctly with order times though

Jet Black 256 GB

-Only 5 responses (no charges)
-All orders on 9/9 morning within 1 hour of release are 9/19-9/26
-Not enough data to really dig into these orders

Silver, Rose Gold, Gold (everyone hates you <3 the Black/Jet Black lonely hearts club)
-1 Gold response, 2 Rose Gold, 6 Silver
-Only 9/9 morning preorder with no updates is a Silver 256 GB
-Silver 32 GB and 256 GB not charged (128 GB received)
-Rose Golds all received

Final Quick Hits

-No 256 GB phones have been charged
-Only 1 32 GB has been received (Rose Gold)
-Less than 1K difference in order #s (6 Minutes) made a 1 month difference in shipping dates in some cases
-Jet Black phones were pushed to 9/27-/10/10 2 minutes after release

-No in store orders have been received
-Only 2 online checkouts have been received
-Only phone orders received are Silver and Rose Gold

Finally, all order #s seem to correlate perfectly with the times these orders were placed. Even though some order #s had different formats, you can see the pattern of order #s going up as time moves forward. This was the info I was most interested in seeing so we can put to rest that anyone was "put on a priority list." Now I cant say how this correlates to orders being charged, as those were pretty erratic as well and made zero sense. For example, the very first Black 128 GB that was ordered has not been charged while most others that were ordered early that morning got charges yesterday.

Hope this helps everyone for clarification on some things. All in all I wish I had a little more information (specifically order #s) to see what the deal is with charges. Good luck to everyone in getting their phones soon!

PS. Someone call T-Mobile and put me on the coveted "John Legere Priority List" for putting this together
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This may seem like a dumb question or may have already been asked but this is such a long thread so..

If the down payment is $0, will the $0 charge still show up on the cc statement (because they still asked for one to be entered in)?

Thank you in advance to whoever answers :)

No, it wouldn't show.
Well def not getting my phone today. Update today at 4:45p T-Mobile sends me an email saying your order is on its way! UPS tracking since 10:30p last night. Sitting at order process waiting for UPS on their site.

Tomorrow it is? Or maybe not since the T-Mobile email allow 48 hours for tracking info...sighhhhhhhh
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