So, things are getting s bit more serious. I'm now apart of the Charged Club!!
This occurred about 20-30 minutes ago @ 11:10-11:15AM (I am in Hawaii, so our day is still just starting.) I thought there would be no charges today, but I've been blessed.
For a quick update on order info:
iPhone 7+ 128GB Matte Black
In-store order on 9/9
CC Charged on 9/23
Now I wait for shipping info. But, at least I have some action on this account. Goodness!!
I'm sure this will be a Monday-Wednesday delivery. However, the great news is I hopefully won't need to track this past midweek. I'm moving to a new address next weekend and I don't have time for missed packages or detouring etc etc.
Please handle business Apple and Tmobile!!