Well I've given up using ProCam to take RAW pics, the lower light photography tends to be quite shocking, it'll up the ISO to high values to get a faster shutter speed which then introduces alot of noise to the pic. The in built camera app manages to keep the ISO low and find a shutter speed which overall gives a better end result. I realise you can tweak the values but if you reduce the ISO down and the shutter speed the preview display in ProCam goes all juddery and unusable. Also regardless of the app I use the quality of the pics from the telephoto f2.8 lens aren't that good, they aren't bad they just aren't great and it's not the lack of optical stablisation either. One thing I did notice, if you take a pic with the f2.8 telephoto lens and load it into any app that can view the EXIF info, it comes up as having an aperture setting of f1.8 which cannot be right, unless of course it's not actually flicking over to the telephoto lens at all.
Anyhoo, took these in Dublin on Wednesday :
IMG_3988 by
paulcjones1977, on Flickr
IMG_3998 by
paulcjones1977, on Flickr
IMG_3995 by
paulcjones1977, on Flickr
IMG_3997 by
paulcjones1977, on Flickr
IMG_3993 by
paulcjones1977, on Flickr