I get push notifications every morning (well, all through the night) and there are regularly 3-4 to tap through after my alarm goes off every morning - yet it usually always goes off.
However, there have been three very important occasions where it failed so I added an alarm to my work BlackBerry too.
I had an 8:30 meeting today so I had to get up and get to work early. My normal alarm schedule for Thursday is 7:30 (I snooze a few times) and 8:30 (better be walking out the door). Both are the charming bell tower sound.
The Blackberry is setup to go off at 8:00a every day and on Thursday it signals "Ok, seriously; get up." Today, because of the meeting, it was my "Get out the door!" alarm. (I have a weird, fluctuating schedule but it all makes sense to me, even in the morning)
For today's important meeting, I setup 7:35 as an air raid siren (get the **** up NOW!). It's only 5mins after my first alarm but it was to remind me that the first one was serious and I couldn't afford to snooze
Clearly, I have my bases covered.
Or so I thought.
8:00 rolls around and I wake up to the sound of my Blackberry. No iPhone. I'm supposed to be walking out the door but I'm throwing myself together. 8:35 hits, I'm pulling into the parking lot and my 7:35 alarm goes off...just to insult me??? I turn the phone off because CLEARLY the thing is dysfunctional (I did check and verify the alarm settings were right) and wait 10mins before turning it back on.
THEN at 9:30, while I'm in the meeting I was 10mins late to, my 7:30 alarm goes off! AGH!!!
My prior issues with the iPhone alarm did NOT generate odd timing later in the day so this was completely new, but as I said originally, I always have push notifications in the morning and it's pretty much one from every app that is configured to send them haha - Godfinger, Facebook, Farmville, etc.
But I think I've figured out what the problem is:
My iPhone is sentient and hates me.