With a huge number of IP users out there do u think apple will ever include a free instant messenger app similar to BBM?
With a huge number of IP users out there do u think apple will ever include a free instant messenger app similar to BBM?
they don't need to, there's already a bunch of instant messenger apps out there already, that run using existing IM services, why have yet another seperate type? its madness. ebuddy is great as its free, using yahoo/msn/aim/facebook/icq all in one thing. much better than some exclusive thing just for iphone or just for BBM
The biggest issue I have with those other I'm programs is they tie in to the verson on the pc. Iming on a phone vs a computer is very different and they do not always mix in the type of messages sent. Plus the off line message and what not just never work as well. BBM us handy because you know if it been read or not.
Beejive IM.
With a huge number of IP users out there do u think apple will ever include a free instant messenger app similar to BBM?
BBM is the best.
Its probably the easiest way to communicate with friends and family. since pretty much all my friends and family have a BB.
If iPhone could communicate directly with BBM i'd be all over it but it can't so its BlackBerry for me all the way.
With a huge number of IP users out there do u think apple will ever include a free instant messenger app similar to BBM?
My blackberry friends use trillian, so they can use msn/yahoo/icq to talk to me on ebuddy/beehive, simples, no need for bbm
pMessenger works great for me, and u can message Andriod and Blackberry users also
whatsapp messenger is the way forward for the most similar like bbm-ness.
its really easy it works with your phone numbers so it actually collects the people that already have whatsapp and puts them in a special "favourites" tab.
Plus you can send pictures, video, where you are and other stuff.
loads of people have it
I agree whatsapp is the business when it comes to messenging, just wish you could add folks via their PIN but that along with beejive I am sorted![]()
Ha ha yeaaaahh....I gotta admit I have no idea what Trillian is. Most of my friends who have BBs get them through work (for free) but they are restricted and cannot download Apps onto them.
I don't know too many people with iPhones (a few teenagers and just met a friend of my wife's last week who had one) but most people around here use BB. Of course, I happen to live in the same city as RIM head office and where the company was started so I know a bunch of people who work for them and such.....
you can, its called their phone number![]()
I love how RIM is trying to push BBM as some revolutionary thing...it's a damn simple chat service. Everyone I know has unlimited texting, so what's the point of BBM?
They boast on the new commercials how you "can even send pictures and video!".....wow cool.
There are so many chat apps and services out there that I don't think the iPhone needs something like an iChat.
whatsapp messenger is the way forward for the most similar like bbm-ness.
its really easy it works with your phone numbers so it actually collects the people that already have whatsapp and puts them in a special "favourites" tab.
Plus you can send pictures, video, where you are and other stuff.
loads of people have it