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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 26, 2008
New Orleans, LA
My iPhone 3G has been extremely slow ever since i jailbroke it. It usually freezes a lot and when i turn it off and turn it back on it usually takes about 5 minutes to reboot. Has anybody had this problem when they jailbroke their phone with quickpwn. Because frankly it kind of sucks for it to not run very smoothly!
You could restore it and jailbreak again.
But the reason for the slowness could be the cydia or installer, if you install a lot of sources that happens (it happened to me)
theres a reason people dont jailbreak

Jailbraking doesn't slow your phone down.

I have Jailbroken, but mine hasn't slowed down. But, I also haven't installed lots of pointless applications.

I've got what I need and am happy with that

People don't JB either because they don't need to or don't want to (or don't know how to)
I've jailbroken about once a month since September. I usually end up restoring it after a week or two (tops!) due to the VERY noticeable slowdown. It seems to get worse after a week or so. YMMV.
Jailbraking doesn't slow your phone down.

I have Jailbroken, but mine hasn't slowed down. But, I also haven't installed lots of pointless applications.

I've got what I need and am happy with that

People don't JB either because they don't need to or don't want to (or don't know how to)

your one of the lucky few who doesnt slow down
I don't know if it's because my iPhone is jailbroken or if it's because the iPhone has the phone feature, but my 1st generation iPod Touch is MUCH more responsive than my iPhone 2G.

I doubt it's because of the jailbreak though, giving the user account root access to the iPhone(which is essentially what you do when you jailbreak) wouldn't slow down the device.
I don't know if it's because my iPhone is jailbroken or if it's because the iPhone has the phone feature, but my 1st generation iPod Touch is MUCH more responsive than my iPhone 2G.

I doubt it's because of the jailbreak though, giving the user account root access to the iPhone(which is essentially what you do when you jailbreak) wouldn't slow down the device.

It's because the iPod Touch doesn't have to run all the background processes that the iPhone has to run.
Jailbreaking in itself does NOT slow you phone down. It is the programs that run in the background that slow the phone down. These include Winterboard, Intelliscreen, and others. Even Winterboard will very slightly slow the phone down with a small theme being used. If you are wondering why you phone is slow look at the programs using up your processor and ram running in the background and you will find the culprit. But don't take my word for it. Jailbreak and just install programs that do not run in the background and you will see for yourself.
giving the user account root access to the iPhone(which is essentially what you do when you jailbreak) wouldn't slow down the device.

Err... no. The 'mobile' user is still just a regular user account.
I've jailbroken my phone for over 6 months now. It's a 3g. I did notice a slow down when I had winterboard and themes enabled so I've disabled it. Anything that will change the look will slow it down, even changing icons at the top, etc.

I wouldn't go back to a non Jailbroken phone now that xGPS is out with downloadable google maps and audible turn by turn directions. This is basically the GPS program that everyone has been waiting for.
yea i've noticed a slowdown in my jailbroken iphone recently. It was fine for about a week and then programs began to take noticeably longer to load. Haven't had any problems with crashing or freezing but app loading time has probably doubled.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20)

buccsmf1 said:
yea i've noticed a slowdown in my jailbroken iphone recently. It was fine for about a week and then programs began to take noticeably longer to load. Haven't had any problems with crashing or freezing but app loading time has probably doubled.

Yup, sounds EXACTLY like what happens to me, every time. It's really frustrating!
I resisted jailbreaking for a long time. I decided to give it a try since it's easy to revert. When I first jailbroke I didn't install anything. Used it for a week like that and I couldn't tell the difference from my stock phone (makes sense.)

I did not install Winterboard at first because of everything I heard about it. What I really wanted was clippy or hClipboard. I installed hClipboard and still didn't really notice a difference. Maybe slight, but it could have been in my head. Certainly not a bother.

To keep things simple and continue testing, I uninstalled hClipboard and installed Winterboard, and downloaded the "badge black" theme which does change the look of quite a few things. I only checked the "badge black", "badge black UI" and "user wallpaper" in Winterboard. I really don't think the phone slowed down much, if at all, and I was quite happy with the new look.

I reinstalled hClipboard and additionally installed the 5 icon dock and LockDockBar. Finally I am now seeing some slowdown on the phone. If I restart it each night before I charge it, it remains reasonable throughout the day and I really like having the new look and new features.

Then I deleted LockDockBar and replaced it with StatusNotifier, and also installed the 5-row qwerty keyboard. That was the limit for me - the phone seemed really sluggish. I went back to LockDockBar (I prefer it because it shows you the number of txts and emails) and got rid of the 5-row keyboard (I am so used to the stock one that the 5-row drove me nuts) and now all is well.

My conclusion is that the things that really seem to slow down the phone are things that use MobileSubstrate. Right now I'm down to LockDockBar, Winterboard, and 5-icon dock, and the phone seems snappy.

Wow, that post was too long.
Jailbreaking in itself does NOT slow you phone down. It is the programs that run in the background that slow the phone down. These include Winterboard, Intelliscreen, and others. Even Winterboard will very slightly slow the phone down with a small theme being used. If you are wondering why you phone is slow look at the programs using up your processor and ram running in the background and you will find the culprit. But don't take my word for it. Jailbreak and just install programs that do not run in the background and you will see for yourself.

How can you view the process and CPU% usage?
I've jailbroken my iphone and ipods ever since 1.1 era.. Probably over 100 times on different apple products. The reason I always go back to restoring back to stock is because of the slowdown. Trust me, for all the people who say "you didn't doz it rightz", it's a pretty easy install. You can't really mess up if you have any clue about jailbreaking. It never is as seamless and responsive as a non jailbroken iphone. Easy as that. Sorry to all you jailbroken users; my 100+ times prove the fact that it does slow down.
I usually jailbreak for fun, but when I want a fast iPhone, I stay stock. By the way, if you're jailbroken, install the top command and run it over SSH to see your processes and memory usage.
winterboard = slowdown at least 20%-200%

Yay for completely made up statistics!

I've jailbroken my iphone and ipods ever since 1.1 era.. Probably over 100 times on different apple products. The reason I always go back to restoring back to stock is because of the slowdown. Trust me, for all the people who say "you didn't doz it rightz", it's a pretty easy install. You can't really mess up if you have any clue about jailbreaking. It never is as seamless and responsive as a non jailbroken iphone. Easy as that. Sorry to all you jailbroken users; my 100+ times prove the fact that it does slow down.

No. It doesn't prove anything, other than you perceived a difference between the two. Whether or not there is any difference in the responsiveness of your phone before and after your modifications I have no way to know. I do, however, know what the jailbreaking process does and does not do -- and one of the things that it does not do is cause increased CPU and memory usage.

Jailbroken phones can certainly be as "seamless and responsive" as stock ones. It's entirely dependent on what modifications you perform to said jailbroken phones.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is either poorly informed and/or OrangeDog. ;)

Lag is going to happen if you install anything. It's inevitable. I'm tired of people coming here and trying to deny it.

It's either worth it for the modifications or it isn't.

The thing that makes me laugh is... We've tried jailbreaking... we've tried liking it.. and every single time, the lag makes me restore. When I'm not jailbroken, I have no problems (other than the bugs Apple hasn't worked out yet).

At least I know that when I'm not jailbroken, any type of lag or anything is not the fault of a jailbroken app with a memory leak or something. I think 2.2.1 runs VERY efficiently... especially Safari. Safari has gotten a lot more stable since 2.2.1.
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