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The thing that makes me laugh is... We've tried jailbreaking... we've tried liking it.. and every single time, the lag makes me restore. When I'm not jailbroken, I have no problems (other than the bugs Apple hasn't worked out yet).

We? Either you like it or you don't. It's really as simple as that.

Hey guys, I made some homemade gasoline and put it in my car - now my car is running funny.

What could the problem be?

How is that at all the same thing? Are people coming on here complaining about apps they created causing problems? Didn't think so.

Most of these apps and tweaks are made by people who know what they're doing.
That proves you have an opinion.. A well educated opinion.. but an opinion.

It's all about user experience. If a user jailbreaks and experiences problems... of course they're going to have a different opinion than a user who jailbreaks and doesn't have problems (that they notice). I think a lot of jailbreakers don't time the opening of their apps, so they go on here and say "I get NO slowdowns and I run all the goodies"... they're full of crap or they just don't notice a difference... but, just because they don't *notice* a slowdown, doesn't mean it's not there. It's all about perception... that's all. If you sit there and count 1-mississippi, 2-mississippi you're going to start to see the difference, but nobody does that unless they're me.
It's all about user experience. If a user jailbreaks and experiences problems... of course they're going to have a different opinion than a user who jailbreaks and doesn't have problems (that they notice). I think a lot of jailbreakers don't time the opening of their apps, so they go on here and say "I get NO slowdowns and I run all the goodies"... they're full of crap or they just don't notice a difference... but, just because they don't *notice* a slowdown, doesn't mean it's not there. It's all about perception... that's all. If you sit there and count 1-mississippi, 2-mississippi you're going to start to see the difference, but nobody does that unless they're me.

So what's your loading time for apps without a jailbreak? Is it 1 second? It's not, we all know that for sure. A fresh OS with 1 page of apps might take 2 seconds at the very fastest to open up an app. Mine is about 4-5 seconds with a jailbroken phone, with all 9 pages filled, and not having restored since 2.2 came out. If it weren't jailbroken, it would take 3-4 seconds for an app to open up with 9 pages and this long since a restore. So you might save 1 second with your virgin OS. I guess 1 second is worth having a limited phone for some people. Now if you're gonna go theme, backgrounded, iltelliscreen and all that other stuff crazy, then you'll have significant slowdown. The iPhone's small amount of ram can't handle only so much, so you have to be smart about what you install.
So what's your loading time for apps without a jailbreak? Is it 1 second? It's not, we all know that for sure. A fresh OS with 1 page of apps might take 2 seconds at the very fastest to open up an app. Mine is about 4-5 seconds with a jailbroken phone, with all 9 pages filled, and not having restored since 2.2 came out. If it weren't jailbroken, it would take 3-4 seconds for an app to open up with 9 pages and this long since a restore. So you might save 1 second with your virgin OS. I guess 1 second is worth having a limited phone for some people. Now if you're gonna go theme, backgrounded, iltelliscreen and all that other stuff crazy, then you'll have significant slowdown. The iPhone's small amount of ram can't handle only so much, so you have to be smart about what you install.

I get about 1.25 seconds to open apps. I say "One-One thousand" and just as I'm about to say "Two", my app is ready to be used. This means, the app's interface is up and responding to touch. I understand that saying "One-One thousand can be said slower or faster.... but, that's just a rough guess... I don't have a stop watch I can sit there with.
I get about 1.25 seconds to open apps. I say "One-One thousand" and just as I'm about to say "Two", my app is ready to be used. This means, the app's interface is up and responding to touch. I understand that saying "One-One thousand can be said slower or faster.... but, that's just a rough guess... I don't have a stop watch I can sit there with.

Sure you do ... your other iPhone ;)
We? Either you like it or you don't. It's really as simple as that.

How is that at all the same thing? Are people coming on here complaining about apps they created causing problems? Didn't think so.

Most of these apps and tweaks are made by people who know what they're doing.

I made an app, submitted it to the app store, and people have downloaded it (over 1100 and counting)

And I have NO CLUE wtf I'm doing. I learned the basics of the SDK and cocoa in a day, then submitted it.
Lag is going to happen if you install anything. It's inevitable. I'm tired of people coming here and trying to deny it.

It's either worth it for the modifications or it isn't.

I deny it because it's not true.

I've installed OpenSSH, mDNSResponder, netcat, gzip, bzip2, lynx, wget, BossPrefs, and a couple other userland applications on my iPhone. Guess what? No lag.

It's not going to happen if you install "anything". It's going to happen if you install packages that require either MobileSubstrate or a number of resource-intensive daemons. If you avoid those, you won't run into performance problems. Trouble is, most people don't, and that's where the "jailbreaking = lag" FUD comes from.
yea i've noticed a slowdown in my jailbroken iphone recently. It was fine for about a week and then programs began to take noticeably longer to load. Haven't had any problems with crashing or freezing but app loading time has probably doubled.

Thats the common thing that lots of people find out after JB'ing.

The one good thing about it is.....that when you go back to stock you really appreciate how snappy and responsive it is again and not running like a 3 legged dog.
Thats the common thing that lots of people find out after JB'ing.

You mean "after JB'ing and installing MobileSubstrate-based apps and/or applications that run in the background." Right? I mean... otherwise you'd just be misrepresenting the truth...
You mean "after JB'ing and installing MobileSubstrate-based apps and/or applications that run in the background." Right? I mean... otherwise you'd just be misrepresenting the truth...

You can't deny that it's a common problem people run into. He said nothing about simply jailbreaking slows the phone down. We can't control what people are installing.
Wow, another "JBing slowed my phone down" post..... wait.... You smell that... Yeah me too. Smells like bs!

JB doesn't slow your phone down folks. Some apps might, but JB does not.
No, but Apple can and does...and that is why we jailbreak. :)

Here are some of the things I don't need:

PDAnet (I don't have a laptop)
Cycorder (I don't need to shoot video on my cell phone... I have a video camera that is much better at doing that job)
Status Notifier (It was cool when I had it, but nobody ever calls me and it's not hard to unlock the iPhone to check for mail)
3rd Party SMS app (they cost money and usually aren't as elegant as Apple's)
A different Browser (Come on now, Safari never crashes on me anymore)
SBSettings (Again, not important to me because I never change my brightness, disconnect from wifi or turn of 3G and my iPhone has PLENTY of power at the end of the day. I also leave bluetooth on). I suppose if I were jailbroken and had a bunch of extra stuff running, I would have to watch my services to get through the day with enough battery, but I don't have to worry about it.

I just don't "need" to slow my phone down. Some of you NEED those things, so you don't mind living with a slower phone, but personally, I just don't see the advantage... all I see is a slower phone with unnecessary add-ons.
I just don't "need" to slow my phone down. Some of you NEED those things, so you don't mind living with a slower phone, but personally, I just don't see the advantage... all I see is a slower phone with unnecessary add-ons.

Some of the stuff you mentioned has no performance impact. Things like Cycorder and third party SMS apps don't require any background processes, nor do they need MobileSubstrate -- so for those apps, there's no performance tradeoff.

OrangeDog et. al. are claiming that jailbreaking slows down your phone because some people install applications that have performance problems. In actuality, jailbreaking itself doesn't slow down your phone, and that there are plenty of applications that don't have performance issues.

Now you can try to spin it by saying "ah, but it's the problematic applications that most people want", but that just makes it seem like you've got something against jailbreaking and are trying to twist the facts to fit your claims...

If you don't see any point in jailbreaking, fine -- run stock. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you don't see any value in it doesn't mean that other people don't find it a useful procedure; so please don't try to dissuade them by sowing FUD about jailbreak causing lag.
Some of the stuff you mentioned has no performance impact. Things like Cycorder and third party SMS apps don't require any background processes, nor do they need MobileSubstrate -- so for those apps, there's no performance tradeoff.

OrangeDog et. al. are claiming that jailbreaking slows down your phone because some people install applications that have performance problems. In actuality, jailbreaking itself doesn't slow down your phone, and that there are plenty of applications that don't have performance issues.

Now you can try to spin it by saying "ah, but it's the problematic applications that most people want", but that just makes it seem like you've got something against jailbreaking and are trying to twist the facts to fit your claims...

If you don't see any point in jailbreaking, fine -- run stock. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you don't see any value in it doesn't mean that other people don't find it a useful procedure; so please don't try to dissuade them by sowing FUD about jailbreak causing lag.

The deal is. I don't think we're spreading FUD. The people will do and install what they want. If they *want* the special features at the cost of a laggy phone, all power to them. We're not saying that EVERYONE doesn't know what they're doing. I know that Cycorder won't slow the phone because it's not running all the time, but that's not what I would jailbreak for anyway.

Right now I have my iPhone password protected, but if someone wanted to read all of my text messages, they could simply connect the iPhone to the computer and read them... without even jailbreaking! If they wanted to see my photos... my recent calls, my music... all without jailbreaking. How's that for security? It's bad.
Some of the stuff you mentioned has no performance impact. Things like Cycorder and third party SMS apps don't require any background processes, nor do they need MobileSubstrate -- so for those apps, there's no performance tradeoff.

OrangeDog et. al. are claiming that jailbreaking slows down your phone because some people install applications that have performance problems. In actuality, jailbreaking itself doesn't slow down your phone, and that there are plenty of applications that don't have performance issues.

Now you can try to spin it by saying "ah, but it's the problematic applications that most people want", but that just makes it seem like you've got something against jailbreaking and are trying to twist the facts to fit your claims...

If you don't see any point in jailbreaking, fine -- run stock. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you don't see any value in it doesn't mean that other people don't find it a useful procedure; so please don't try to dissuade them by sowing FUD about jailbreak causing lag.

You say I'm spreading FUD, I say you're spreading FUD.

I don't care if every person besides me on the planet who has an iPhone Jail*breaks* it. It's their iPhone and they can do what they wish with it. I think your pro views on JB'ing blind you to the fact that the BIGGEST complaint of JB'ing is lag followed by a close second by flakiness. It's an undeniable fact that people suffer lag when they jailbreak and start to install THE most popular apps that are heralded as some of THE reasons for JB'ing in the first place.
And please don't plead the case of Winterboard being the culprit. Thats a very tired, old and very well worn out chestnut. I've seen countless JB'n iPhones and they all have had Winterboard installed on them. I don't doubt that there are geeks out there who don't have Winterboard installed, but you have your head in the sand if you don't think the average JB'er doesn't install Winterboard soon after JB'ing.
I don't doubt that there are geeks out there who don't have Winterboard installed, but you have your head in the sand if you don't think the average JB'er doesn't install Winterboard soon after JB'ing.

And that is the crux of your argument. You're basically saying that jailbreaking = lag because you think that most people install WinterBoard. Now I don't know whether or not most people do install WinterBoard, but even taking you at your word you're still making a very misleading argument.

Many people jailbreak for the purpose of gaining additional features (turn-by-turn GPS, video recording, vCard support, etc.) If you keep posting stuff like "The biggest problem with jailbreaking is the lag", then people who want these additional features might be dissuaded from jailbreaking if they think that there some inherent problem with the process.

I'm not asking that you stop complaining about the lag caused by MobileSubstrate apps. That's a completely justified complaint -- hell, the performance issues with WinterBoard was the reason I stopped using it. Instead, I'm merely asking that you stop being so imprecise in your complaints as to imply a problem with jailbreaking as a whole. Doing so gives the wrong impression to newbies, and makes it seem like you're engaging in some sort of crusade against jailbreaking.
And that is the crux of your argument. You're basically saying that jailbreaking = lag because you think that most people install WinterBoard. Now I don't know whether or not most people do install WinterBoard, but even taking you at your word you're still making a very misleading argument.

Many people jailbreak for the purpose of gaining additional features (turn-by-turn GPS, video recording, vCard support, etc.) If you keep posting stuff like "The biggest problem with jailbreaking is the lag", then people who want these additional features might be dissuaded from jailbreaking if they think that there some inherent problem with the process.

I'm not asking that you stop complaining about the lag caused by MobileSubstrate apps. That's a completely justified complaint -- hell, the performance issues with WinterBoard was the reason I stopped using it. Instead, I'm merely asking that you stop being so imprecise in your complaints as to imply a problem with jailbreaking as a whole. Doing so gives the wrong impression to newbies, and makes it seem like you're engaging in some sort of crusade against jailbreaking.

What do you say to the people who claim to have WinterBoard plus a bunch of other MobileSubstrate apps running and don't have any lag? I say they're full of crap but, they claim to have tested this against un-jailbroken iPhones.
Why is this debate still going on? Every time I look at this board, there's some thread about why people should or shouldn't jailbreak. Who cares?

The holier than thou, my iphone is stock and jailbreak sucks attitude is terrible.

If you want to jailbreak, then jailbreak.

If you don't want to jailbreak, then great.. don't.

Why is everybody always trying to make decisions for everybody else?
Why is this debate still going on? Every time I look at this board, there's some thread about why people should or shouldn't jailbreak. Who cares?

The holier than thou, my iphone is stock and jailbreak sucks attitude is terrible.

If you want to jailbreak, then jailbreak.

If you don't want to jailbreak, then great.. don't.

Why is everybody always trying to make decisions for everybody else?

How are we making decisions for everyone else? A user comes on here and complains that their iPhone is running slow after jailbreaking... what are we supposed to do?
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