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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 20, 2006
Old Europe
Dear Gents,

searching 70% of the forums, was a desaster. So many theories and myths. This is why I opened a new thread.

iPhone (Fist Generation) has been pwned. I did an upgrade on 2.0.2. with iTunes 8. What happened?

The entire jailbrake thang was gone. But the unlock was kept. That was great because in my case, jailbrake is crap, I don't need or use it. I am just interested in the unlock.

So, when in a couple of hours 2.1 is coming out, do you think I can upgrade without any fear? Will the unlock still be there? Or will it brick my iPhone?

Thanks in advance fellas!
2.1 unlock software

I am too deciding if I should upgrade my 1st gen iPhone, I still run version 1.0.4 of software.
What software did you use to unlock version 2.0? Was it too much trouble?
Word on the intertubes is that you will retain the unlock but lose the jailbreaking functionality. At least, going to 2.0.2 to 2.1. I'm doing it now, and I will report back on whether it works!

Oh, and bear in mind that iTunes 8 apparently prevents the use of the old hacking methods (basically patched IPSW files). So if you're going to do it, hack it to 2.0.2 unlocked and whatever on a machine running iTunes 7.x and then do what you like with it from there.
Yeah, I'm upgrading my UL'ed iPhone, too. I'll be sure to let you know after. I don't care about the JB, just the UL, so it's worth a try! :D
Yep, the unlock stayed. Genius is there and working, App Store, etc etc. Haven't called anyone yet but I just got a text so I presume it's all good. :)
Yep, mine stayed ULed too! :D If you don't mind losing Cydia, Installer, and all their apps, it's worth it! :D
hey i just wanterd to find out if this will work on a windows.. an did u jus update it through itunes or did u use winpwn or in ur case pwnage tool
Yep, the unlock stayed. Genius is there and working, App Store, etc etc. Haven't called anyone yet but I just got a text so I presume it's all good. :)

hey i just wanterd to find out if this will work on a windows.. an did u jus update it through itunes or did u use winpwn or in ur case pwnage tool...

and sry for repostin i forgot to quote your message so wasnt sure if u wuda check the forum
How did you guys do that? Just through iTunes?

I'm doing mine just through itunes, did the same for 2 to 2.01 to 2.02 with no issues.

Its not completed the download yet, but I'll post back to confirm the process worked.... or not !
It does keep the unlock as expected. This is one update where I'll bite the bullet in order to have a more stable phone rather than worrying about jailbroken apps.
Just updated an unlocked 2.0.2 2G 8GB iPhone through iTunes 8.0 on Mac to 2.1 firmware with no problems whatsoever.

Green Light given for anyone else weary about doing so. :apple:
I have a 1st gen iphone running 2.0.2 (unlocked) & w/ the t-zones hack installed.

Will I lose t-zones functionality after upgrading to 2.1?!
another confirmation - just updated 16GB 1st gen jailbroken iphone from 2.02 to 2.1 - no problems at all.

Obviously the jailbreak is gone, but its still unlocked.
iTunes 8 issue??

I have a first gen 4GB iPhone that is unlocked and jailbroken. It is running 2.0 software.

I like having the apps and cydia, but NEED to keep it unlocked and WOULD LIKE to have a more stable phone that crashes less and has better Edge performance.

I'm on a Mac.

Are you all saying that...

1. I need to upgrade to 2.02 on iTunes 7.7
2. Then upgrade to iTunes 8
3. Then upgrade the iPhone to 2.1

And when doing all those things, I wil...

1. Lose jailbreaking (for good until Pwn gets the ability to add it back)
2. POSSIBLY lose unlocking if I have to restore the phone at any time
3. Get a more stable platform and more functional iPhone

Please answer with hard data or personal experience.

Holy crap, this update is goooood! Steve wasn't kidding when he said backups are faster - the progress bar practically bolted across the screen! There is literally no lag in contacts anymore (this is via MobileMe, so even after the earlier fixes it was still a little bit laggy). Possibly a placebo effect, but apps seem to be opening quite a bit quicker. I think they've nailed it.

So thank you guys for the acknowlegdement.

I will upgrade it via iTunes. MOST IMPORTANT: Unlock!

I don't need the jailbrake crap.

I have a first gen 4GB iPhone that is unlocked and jailbroken. It is running 2.0 software.

I like having the apps and cydia, but NEED to keep it unlocked and WOULD LIKE to have a more stable phone that crashes less and has better Edge performance.

I'm on a Mac.

Are you all saying that...

1. I need to upgrade to 2.02 on iTunes 7.7
2. Then upgrade to iTunes 8
3. Then upgrade the iPhone to 2.1

And when doing all those things, I wil...

1. Lose jailbreaking (for good until Pwn gets the ability to add it back)
2. POSSIBLY lose unlocking if I have to restore the phone at any time
3. Get a more stable platform and more functional iPhone

Please answer with hard data or personal experience.


Here's what I did to get to 2.1 because I was impatient:

1) Clean restore of 2.0.2
2) Use Quickpwn for Mac which unlocks and jailbreaks.
3) Update the pwnd 2.0.2 to 2.1 and keep the unlock.

Works fine.
has anybody done this with windows vista? And did u just connect ur phones to iTunes and click update?

Thanks in advance
A little clearer

Here's a little more clear description and list of questions....

Do you think I can just upgrade to 2.02 and then to 2.1 without going back to pwnage?

It's running 2.0 and is unlocked and jailbroken now.

I have not updated iTunes to 8 yet either.

And do you know if I can go backward in time to get 2.02 back and re-jailbreak it?

Also, do you think that the pwnage people will be able to jailbreak the new update?


So thank you guys for the acknowlegdement.

I will upgrade it via iTunes. MOST IMPORTANT: Unlock!

I don't need the jailbrake crap.


hardliner: you do need to learn how to spell "jailbreak," however.

unless you're sayin' it was putting the "brakes" on your phone :/
Wow I'm so happy I could update it today.

I updated through itunes (8) and all went smoothly. It stayed unlocked and I don't miss cydia or installer cause I never used the apps from them

Everything is much more snappier and so far my battery icon is still full after 1hr 20 mins where on 2.02 it would be down by 2 notches by then. Nice work Apple its like being back on 1.1.4! :)
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