To unlock the phone, IF it is already up to date like you said, then USE QUICKPWN 2.1.
Colin, proceed for steps about unlocking, unless you want to read what I have to say about therapyboy's ignorance (I'm sorry therapyboy, I do appreciate you saying thank you to me for the help, but please. Come on....)
THERAPYBOY, You are wrong. Quickpwn WILL unlock the phone. The only thing is the your phone MUST FIRST BE AT THE DESIRED FIRMWARE YOU WANT TO UNLOCK. Meaning, for it to be able to unlock 2.1, you have to be on 2.1. The difference between quickpwn and winpwn is that winpwn builds a COMPLETELY NEW CUSTOM FIRMWARE that you will then RESTORE to. So you could be on version 1.0 and then just RESTORE to 2.0.2 (because winpwn 3.0 is not out). Quickpwn NEEDS YOUR PHONE TO BE ON 2.1. IT WILL UNLOCK. WILL, WILL, WILL, WILL, WILL. As in quickpwn 2.1 IS ABLE TO, IS ABLE TO, IS ABLE TO UNLOCK.
It bothers me when people say things that have no meaning. I don't mean to be rude, therapyboy, but on what basis do you have allows you to say that quickpwn wont unlock? Have you tried it? Have you researched it? WELL, I have. I USED IT. IT WORKS. AND just go to the dev team website, and they will even tell you it will work TO UNLOCK your phone AS WELL AS jailbreak it. there you go. Check it it out. I'll even quote them:
Supports 2.1 firmware with the unlocking and jailbreaking of iPhone 1st generation (2G) device. Supports the jailbreaking of iPod Touch 1st generation device and iPhone 3G.
Your device will need to be upgraded to 2.1 (using iTunes 8) before running this application.
* It does NOT support the unlocking of iPhone 3G
* It does NOT support the jailbreaking of second generation iPod Touch introduced last week
* Windows QuickPwn 2.1 -
* (SHA1) = 8124d0e8f31f64ef3272de8fbc679e1dd1f93a7"
To unlock, if you are using a mac (if you are a windows, continue to next paragraph), to make things easy, just download pwnage tool. You will need to download the 2.1 firmware (even though you are up to date), and the 3.9 and 4.6 bootloaders. Pwnage tool will create a custom firmware which you will then restore too. I believe it has something like quickpwn which you could use just to unlock and jailbreak since you are up to date already. But I don't know how to use pwnage tool as I have a windows.
IF you are a windows user:
Download quickpwn 2.1. Download the 2.1 firmware (even though you are updated already). Download the 3.9 and 4.6 bootloaders. (Now, I believe pwnage tool's 'quickpwn like feature' is similar to quickpwn, because pwnage was made first).
Open quickpwn and plug your phone into the computer. When Itunes opens, just exit itunes.
Quickpwn will AUTOMATICALLY determine what you are using. It will make sure you are on the 2.1 firmware as well. Then, It may or may not ask you to browse for the 2.1 firmware you downloaded. If it does, find it and continue. It will ask you to check what you want installed on your phone (cydia, installer, custom boot logos, and UNLOCK DEVICE (so everyone shut up, it does unlock)). Make sure you check unlock device. If you don't want it jailbrokem don't check cydia/installer BUT MAKE SURE YOU CHECK UNLOCK DEVICE. It will then ask you to browse for the bootloaders. Click browse and navigate to where you saved them and insert each one in its designated spot. It will tell you where to put them. (If you check custom boot logos, it will bring you to a menu telling you to pick a picture of your own or use theirs. I don't use custom boot logos so I don't know where it will ask you to do this). Click next and it will tell you preparing your device. THEN PAY ATTENTION TO THE LETTERS AT THE TOP. They will turn black and this is your part. It will say 'hold home button for 5 seconds (and counts down). hold power button AND home button for 10 seconds (and counts down). Hold home for 30 seconds (and counts down. BUT KEEP HOLDING UNTIL THE PHONE FLASHES AND HAS A PICTURE OF A HARD DRIVE, THEN LET GO). If you mess up, just start over but wait till it tells you that 'it cannot find device' or something similar to that. Then wait until it finishes, and the phone will reboot. when it does, it will be unlocked and/or jailbroken. If it doesn't reboot, turn off and then turn back on and it should be unlocked and/or jailbroken. IT will say no service (as you are not paying for 2 services) but you can use it essentially like an ipod touch. Or sell it.
Good luck