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Below is the required informed consent:
University of Central Arkansas
Informed Consent Cover Letter
Perceptions of the Act of Jailbreaking an iPhone and How It Affects iPhone Users
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you give your consent to volunteer, it is important that you read the following information to be sure you understand what you will be asked to do.
Melissa Earls, BS in Journalism
I am conducting this study as graduate students at the University of Central Arkansas Education Department under the supervision of Dr. Cheryl Wiedmaier
University of Central Arkansas
201 Donaghey Ave.
Conway, AR 72035
Purpose of the Research
The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of the act of Jailbreaking an iPhone and how it affects iPhone users. These results will assist the researcher in determining what factors lead iPhone users to either Jailbreaking their iPhone or not.
If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete the following online survey of 10 questions. Your participation will take approximately 5 minutes.
Potential Risks or Discomforts
There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts associated with this study.
Potential Benefits of the Research
The potential benefits to society that may result from this research are assisting iPhone users in making an informed decision to either Jailbreak or not Jailbreak their iPhone.
Confidentiality and Data Storage
The results of this survey will be collected and assessed by The investigator and advisor will have access to this data for at least 3 years after completion of this study.
Participation and Withdrawal
Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or stop participation at any time without penalty. To stop, simply exit the survey.
Questions about the Research
If you have any questions regarding this research, you may contact Melissa Earls and
This project has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at the University of Central Arkansas.
I have read the information provided above. I understand that by returning a completed survey, I am agreeing to participate in this research study.