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The topic I've chosen is the perceptions of jailbreaking an iPhone and how it affects those who do it. If anyone would like to participate in this research I would greatly appreciate it.

You only need to have OrangeDog and The Spaz to take the survey. Even though they hate jailbreaking, in order to feed their unnatural desires, they continue to hang around the Hacks forum warning one and all about the iPhone demon, EVIL LAG. They also patrol 'junior schools' warning the children not to run with scissors. It's a heavy burden protecting people from themselves.
You only need to have OrangeDog and The Spaz to take the survey. Even though they hate jailbreaking, in order to feed their unnatural desires, they continue to hang around the Hacks forum warning one and all about the iPhone demon, EVIL LAG. They also patrol 'junior schools' warning the children not to run with scissors. It's a heavy burden protecting people from themselves.

Hey sound like a "pusher" ;)
I'm also in grad school and I wrote a paper on the forensic analysis of the iPhone for my Digital Evidence class last semester. If it's any consolation, I got an A in the class and scared the crap out of my professor so depending on the scope of your work, I'd be happy to help. :)

is a copy of your paper available somewhere? i would enjoy reading it.

also, i will take this survey
is a copy of your paper available somewhere? i would enjoy reading it.

I realized some screenshots need to be tweaked if I make the paper publicly available. :) I am hoping to have my whole site up soon, school is hard tho. :)
The survey for my research project is now available to take. Please follow the directions below if you wish to participate.

The survey number is 67913. Please make note of this number. This is the number you will need to access the survey from


Below is the required informed consent:

University of Central Arkansas
Informed Consent Cover Letter
Perceptions of the Act of Jailbreaking an iPhone and How It Affects iPhone Users

You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you give your consent to volunteer, it is important that you read the following information to be sure you understand what you will be asked to do.

Melissa Earls, BS in Journalism

I am conducting this study as graduate students at the University of Central Arkansas Education Department under the supervision of Dr. Cheryl Wiedmaier
University of Central Arkansas
201 Donaghey Ave.
Conway, AR 72035

Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of the act of Jailbreaking an iPhone and how it affects iPhone users. These results will assist the researcher in determining what factors lead iPhone users to either Jailbreaking their iPhone or not.


If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete the following online survey of 10 questions. Your participation will take approximately 5 minutes.

Potential Risks or Discomforts

There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts associated with this study.
Potential Benefits of the Research
The potential benefits to society that may result from this research are assisting iPhone users in making an informed decision to either Jailbreak or not Jailbreak their iPhone.

Confidentiality and Data Storage

The results of this survey will be collected and assessed by The investigator and advisor will have access to this data for at least 3 years after completion of this study.

Participation and Withdrawal

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or stop participation at any time without penalty. To stop, simply exit the survey.

Questions about the Research

If you have any questions regarding this research, you may contact Melissa Earls and

This project has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at the University of Central Arkansas.

I have read the information provided above. I understand that by returning a completed survey, I am agreeing to participate in this research study.
Took the survey. One of the questions was "would you recommend jailbreaking to others?" I answered "no," but what I would really like to have said is, "only if the person is tech-savvy."
Took the survey. One of the questions was "would you recommend jailbreaking to others?" I answered "no," but what I would really like to have said is, "only if the person is tech-savvy."

yeah i would say the same thing, my uncle just jailbroke his iphone 3g to use overseas, i tried to explain to him about cydia and its not the easiest thing ever.
I took your survey and would be more then willing to answer your more in-depth survey if you are still seeking participants.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in my research project. My class really enjoyed the presentation. If anyone would like to read the paper let me know and I'll email it to you. I tried to attach it to this posting, but the file is too large.

Thanks again,

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