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macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
The problem could be if Apple misunderstands what people like about the SE.

When it was first released, the legacy casing was the 5s casing and so it was a great opportunity for them to offer a lower priced/entry level device for a relatively low price by re-purpsoing parts/ideas into an existing older case design.

We all happen to love that case design, and size, of course...

But at this moment in time, the legacy casing is really the 6/6s/7, etc shape/size..and I'm worried Apple is only concerned about the "low entry price" and "re-purposing parts" part of the SE and not the specific form factor and size that we all love it for.

They understand. Why? Because the difference between the SE and the latest iPhone released back then (the 6S) was the screen size/device size itself. The CPU, RAM and other details were identical.
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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
They understand. Why? Because the difference between the SE and the latest iPhone released back then (the 6S) was the screen size/device size itself. The CPU, RAM and other details were identical.


The reason for a casing differential back when the SE was released was to ensure you don't tread on the current flagship's space. That's not the situation now.


Jul 12, 2016
The problem could be if Apple misunderstands what people like about the SE.

Incorrect. And you seem uneducated about what Apple stated the SE in March 2016. . Did you watch the March 2016 keynote when iPhone SE launched? Because if you had, then you would understand that Apple recognized they were pleaded to retain the 4 inch iPhone form factor. Greg Joswiak (VP of iPhone) Marketing specifically stated in 2015, Apple sold over 30 million 4 inch iPhones. Joswiak stated there are two reasons why iPhone consumers are purchasing 4 inch iPhones:

1.) The consumer likes smaller iPhones. “They want the most compact design.

2.) It’s the consumers first iPhone. They are experiencing iOS and Apples hardware for the first time.

Clearly Apple has an understanding what consumers like about the SE, rather they retain the SE in the lineup or update it, is a totally different discussion.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 6, 2007
Sweet Apple Acres
I think they'll refresh it. It's the only reasonably priced iPhone nowadays (unless you buy second hand / third party refurb) so it's good for people and smaller businesses on limited budgets, and it provides an alternative to mid range Android stuff.

It's also found an interesting niche of being the only good smartphone for smaller hands / single handed use. There are almost no Android phones of that size that aren't absolutely horrible £30 lagfests running Android 4.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
It kind of looks like Apple will be holding back the release of the new SE2 from the developed countries. Just hoping Apple does a smaller size "X" in September.


Jul 12, 2016
It kind of looks like Apple will be holding back the release of the new SE2 from the developed countries. Just hoping Apple does a smaller size "X" in September.

There won’t be a ‘smaller’ iPhone X in September (Aside from a smaller SE variant). The only iPhones moving forward that would resemble the iPhone X will be a 6.1 LCD,/5.8/6.5 0LED.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 20, 2016
I'm worried they'll misunderstand what we actually like about the SE and just push a "new version of a 6/6s/7", in one of those existing casings, with some feature stripping and make that the entry level new device.

Sort of like what the "new" iPad is right now (non pro one)

I think the new iPad is exactly what it should be. It is the perfect device for most users at an affordable price point.


Jul 12, 2016
I think the new iPad is exactly what it should be. It is the perfect device for most users at an affordable price point.

You’re correct. That’s Apples intention with the iPhone SE and entry-level iPad. Apple wants to give the consumer the opportunity to experience iOS and not everybody needs or requires to have the latest specifications with the iPad Pros or iPhone X. And I having an affordable entry level price point, is more enticing to the consumer.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
You’re correct. That’s Apples intention with the iPhone SE and entry-level iPad. Apple wants to give the consumer the opportunity to experience iOS and not everybody needs or requires to have the latest specifications with the iPad Pros or iPhone X. And I having an affordable entry level price point, is more enticing to the consumer.

That is what the 6.1" LCD is, an entry level iPhone. It Will have lower screen resolution, lower quality cameras and less RAM then that of the OLED models.


Jul 12, 2016
That is what the 6.1" LCD is, an entry level iPhone. It Will have lower screen resolution, lower quality cameras and less RAM then that of the OLED models.

I think you’re misunderstanding The context of the thread, this is about an entry-level iPhone with the SE, not a 6.1 iPhone. The SE is an entry-level device, because it’s Apples most affordable device in their line up, the 6.1 LCD iPhone would not be the most affordable iPhone in their lineup and actually would hold some of the most current technology. The SE is not meant to necessarily have all the latest features and specifications, but have a cheaper, alternative phone that offers a smaller form factor.


Jul 12, 2016
But I think you miss the most important part. It's a SMALL form factor as opposed to all the other iPhones.

It seems to be a misconception today where no one believes that anyone uses a 4 inch iPhone anymore. But there are those who are not interested in the latest technology, the inflated price points with smart phones, and we just want a reliable, smaller iPhone that still offers enough functionality that suits everybody differently.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2016
It's impossible to know; but to speculate; I don't think so.

I've noticed iOS on the SE seems to be squished and not well designed anymore. Then looking at the X today, which is too big for me, Apple could offer a smaller X and I'd buy it immediately- it looks amazing.
I will agree that iOS is a fair bit more clunky than it was a few years ago. When I was using my SE, it felt kinda squished and unoptimized, where I looked at my 4S on iOS 6 and it had a look and feel of an open concept house.


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
They should discontinue all form factors other than the the iPhone X and focus solely on that. Time to move on from the past. That’s includes both the SE and the 8/8 Plus.
Definitely, and increase the price from $999 to $9,999 while they’re at it to make sure they’re only putting in the bleeding edge of tech and nothing less.
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