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X user Sean Safyre shared photos of one of the cell phones he claimed to have found on the side of the road.

He said the iPhone was still in airplane mode with half a battery and was opened to baggage claim for ASA1282, deeming the device "perfectly" intact after apparently surviving a 16,000-foot drop.

Will be interesting to see if this gets verified. My guess is that Apple and the case manufacturer go into marketing overdrive!!!
Let me guess, the next news will be: iphone will survive falling into a volcano?
I don’t think it’s so impossible. Objects reach a terminal velocity and if it fell in the wild, most likely in soft brush etc. The height isn’t the issue, it’s the contact point (concrete, solid rock etc).
Yes and the even the more massive door plug from the airplane also seemed to survive the impact without too much damage.
It has happened before. This phone cracked, but it landed on a building roof.

Clearly the terminal velocity of a phone is much lower than we’d expect. A falling penny hits terminal velocity after just 15 metres, and it’s a mere 25mph…

I wouldn’t not lock my phone. But lots do.

A Pew poll had 28% of people.

Hmm lets just get all of our data stolen...
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I am a skeptic on this. Why would the phone be unlocked enabling the finder to get access.
I know people who don’t bother with locking, claim it is too much trouble to setup. I actually helped a couple of people setup face id, it was amusing watching them mis-follow Apple’s instructions.
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