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I don't think anyone mentioned it yet...

a two finger tap in google maps zooms out. this doesn't really work anywhere else. one finger tap to zoom in, two to zoom out.

I think i saw this on Pogue's site originally.

Oh no, that was NEVER mentioned. Nope, not on here a dozen or so time. Not written up in the "finger tips" booklet that shipped with the phone and certainly not mentioned by Steve himself during the presentation..... :D
To use the iphone in bed without rotation.

Something I'm doing right now. In order to useSafari horizontal without havjng the screen rotate, turn the iphone counterclockwise with the home button towards the sky. Then simply lie on your right side and surf.
Tip: When navigating to a new site, you do not have to clear the URL bar. Just start typing the site you want to go to and it erases the current URL.
iPhone owners: Before you sell you iPod . . .

Hi, all:

Just thought I'd leave a quick note pertaining to the volume levels achieved with both the iPhone and the full size iPod (3rd generation, at least). I did a head to head comparison of the maximal sound achieved on both with better headphones (Sennheisers, which take more power to achieve better sound). The iPod produced a much louder top end sound as well as a slightly better quality over the iPhone. This is more important for airline travel as you need more volume to compensate for the ambient noise.

I'm holding onto my iPod for extended music listening. The iPhone works sufficient for car use, however.

Oh no, that was NEVER mentioned. Nope, not on here a dozen or so time. Not written up in the "finger tips" booklet that shipped with the phone and certainly not mentioned by Steve himself during the presentation..... :D

LMAO, thanks for that! :p
Big big thanks BWhaler for great tips, very useful info for me, i didn't know it before. Thanks again...
Google Maps tip.

Just figured this out yesterday. I love using the driving directions function on the Google Maps's really well-designed. But sometimes it just takes too long to find a location on the map using the virtual keyboard and limited search capabilities. (Limited in comparison to the online application, that is.)

Yesterday, I found a location using the online Google Maps application and sent myself a link to the map. (There's a link labeled "Link to this page" that you can use to paste the link into an email or IM, or whatever.)


When I used the iPhone to click on the link in the email, it opened the link in Google Maps. I imagine this will also come in handy if I ever have a bunch of locations to bookmark on my iPhone.
Great iPhone tips resource looks great on my iPhone

I've been using this site for iPhone tips and tricks. It looks like it launched just a few weeks ago, but it gets updated almost daily. I've made it my home page on my iPhone because it looks great on iPhone's Safari browser. It's worth checking out:
Sending Documents

One of the things I miss is the ability to send word docs or pdf files through email as attachments. I set up an IMAP account at Fastmail and added folders. When you connect through Iphone the folders will show up on your phone. Then all you have to do in email yourself whatever pdf or word docs you want and strore them in a folder (I named my docs). When ever you want to send a file all you have to do is forward the message from your Iphone and the attachment will go with it.

This may have been mentioned, but it is worth saying again. I turned off my Wifi and the difference in my battery consumption has been amazing. Also I set my emal frequency to manual. I realize for those of you who depend on email this may not be a good option, but for those like me who only need to check a few times a day it helps conserving the battery.

what i want to know is, y cant i delete single songs off the ipod feature, this version of ipod is very stubborn. I just want one song deleted, such as a podcast that takes up alot of space, but i have to delete the whole library i guess to get it off. And another thing, how do u turn that darn spell check off, i type in e slang or txt slang, when i right *** i dont want it to be corrected as fun. Clicking the word is too much inconvienece to a feature i dont want in the first place. I have too many little ticks about this phone, and think i'll just wait for the next generation or another version, and return this one.
partial workaround for safari crashes and music stopping

I've started using Google Reader for RSS feeds -- both news and personal blogs. I like it because it keeps track of what you've read and you can group the feeds to make it easier to find personal blog entries amid all the news articles. You can also read either on your Mac or on your iPhone and it knows in both places what you're read and not read.

The bug that causes safari to crash has really been annoying me, mostly because it takes a bit of effort to get back to where you were -- and a lot of the time, it crashes again all too soon.:mad:

Recently, I tried using it with "reformat linked web pages for mobile browsers" turned on (click settings at bottom of page). As long as I'm reading articles off Google Reader, I find that safari no longer crashes -- and my music keeps playing! :) I don't like the format as well, but it sure makes it easier to read on my iPhone. :rolleyes:

This doesn't help if you're want to read just regular pages on the web :(, but it makes it easier to keep up w/ my blogs and news...

Hoping Apple fixes these bugs soon!!!
Hope this isn't a repost

After 1.1.1 only: You can "double press" the home button before the "swipe to unlock" screen (so in short, as soon as you wake up the iPhone) and get your music controls. :apple:
Oh no, that was NEVER mentioned. Nope, not on here a dozen or so time. Not written up in the "finger tips" booklet that shipped with the phone and certainly not mentioned by Steve himself during the presentation..... :D

lol. Thanks for the laugh! I needed that also! ;) :D :apple:

no need to insult, let us build the community not isolate those who are too lazy to read before they post; yes it is annoying when someone repeats and repeats basic knowledge but let us not ridicule but teach.

Please read before you post.

-the more you know-
If you need to save a number when on a call, you can kinda use the calculator. It will save the last number you put in, even if you open other apps... however, the Memory feature doesn't save values if you go home, and then back to the calc. also, it only holds 9 numbers, so don't put in the area code, if you can help it! --- of course, the Notes app works too, but i like the bigger buttons if i just need to jot a number.

Why do you need to do that? Just press the ADD CALL button while on call, select KEYPAD from the bottom, type the number on the dialer and press ADD CONTACT(on the left side of call button). Definitely easier and more logical than saving the number on the Calc or Notes.
fullscreen contact photos

if u have synchronized all your contact photos from address book, they will appear as tiny thumbnails whenever u receive/place a phone call.
if u want to have the photos show up in fullscreen without selecting new ones for ur contacts from the iphone, u can simply follow those steps:

1. browse to the contact and tap edit.
2. tap on the photo.
3. tap edit photo.
4. after it opens in fullscreen, tap set photo and save the contact.

hope it helps.
Key Board for Contacts?

I have over 3000 names in my iPhone Contact list. Scrolling isn't the answer a key board would be much quicker and wouldn't jump around. The vertical side bar "a to z" list is too small for my finger to manipulate. Has anyone created a key board for Contacts?
Can you email an entire group on iPhone??

I cannot seem to figure out how to email an entire group using mail on my iPhone like i do on my Mac.

Anyone know how to do this? (I can see the groups and email individual members, but not the entire group.)

Deleting Text Messages

I don't know if it is an official, documented function, but when you want to delete emails, instead of pressing "edit" and then go on to delete whichever email you don't want to keep, just drag it off the screen - than is point to an email message, and drag your finger off the screen - it will ask you to confirm deletion and voila!

pretty fast edit option IMHO....

Pretty sure I haven't read this tip anywhere: Just like e-mails, if you drag text messages off of the screen, they to give the delete option.

Hope this helps someone!

iPhone speaker stopped working for songs

Don't know what I may have done, but I can no longer listen to my songs using the iPhone speaker. It works for everthing else, just not songs. Looked around in the settings area, but didn't see anything obvious. Ideas anyone?:confused:
Just try it...

Don't know what I may have done, but I can no longer listen to my songs using the iPhone speaker. It works for everthing else, just not songs. Looked around in the settings area, but didn't see anything obvious. Ideas anyone?:confused:

Try plugging and unplugging your earphones 7-10 times.
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