The issue still arises in various places in 2024.
Swipe left on iPhone screen to see the World Clock small widget. At this moment it shows me New York as 7:35 with a black clock face and Albuquerque as 5:35 with a white clock face. is that because sunset is between 5:35pm and 7:35pm? If I see 5:00 with a black clock some day months from now, do I need to know sunrise and sunset times to know if it's AM or PM?
(Yes I can look out the window where I am sitting this moment, in Australia, and know if it is 10:35AM (yes) or 10:305PM (no) here. But that doesn't help me when I have people to talk to around the world. And yes I can figure out the time difference, which is about 16 hours, except moving plus or minus 1 or 2 hours as daylight savings changes, in opposite directions, on different dates. But kind of the point of the clock is to be convey information instantly, without thought or calculations. If I wanted to do calculations, I'd get out my sextant.)
And on my Apple Watch, I have an icon for ABQ time, which now has 5:40 with a tiny Sun above it (which other times is a tiny moon). What happens on a long summer day if say both 6:00AM and 6:00PM are in daytime, after sunrise and before sunset? Do both AM and PM get Sun icons?? There are 4 combinations of AM or PM and during day or during night, and all 4 are possible.
These are supposed to be "elegant" solutions? The height of design?
EDIT: I think I learned the system from another forum and thread: Supposedly White and Black switch at 6pm and 6am. So it's not for AM/PM And not for sunset/sunrise. It's a new Apple time system! yay.
EDIT2: Drat! My Albuquerque icon just rolled past 6pm and it's still White! There goes that theory! Ugh.