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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 15, 2008
I have to say this is by far the greatest cell phone available today! I am absolutely blow away. I also bought the Pixel 2 but reading all the problems over at the XDA forums I did not and I am so happy I didn't!

Here are my points so far:

1 - Screen is absolutely gorgeous - I see people posting about yellow screens but I have to say that my screen is perfect, certainly not yellow and this is with the True Tone turned on - When I turn it off it goes to the blue white side. I am a color matcher by trade and have a trained eye for color and this screen with the true tone on is dead on.

2 - Face unlock - I was reading all the concerns on the face unlock for the last week, I have to say it is damn near perfect and it's fast. I have been using it all day today I love it.

3 - This to me is a huge point - On my first 3 calls with the phone the other party commented to me that they have never heard a better cleaner call quality as what they were experiencing on my call. This was not just one person, it was the first and only three calls I made. I then asked the other party how I sounded when I switched over to speakerphone. They again commented crystal clear and they thought I was still on the phone (Not the speakerphone).

4 - Speed - The phone is lightning quick - never a stutter and everything just looks amazing. The Blacks and colors are perfect.

5 - Size - The size is perfect - Fits in my hand beautifully and the smaller footprint vs the Plus is fantastic.

6 - Camera - Simply amazing - low light shots are awesome and the portrait mode on both front and back give unbelievably beautiful shots.

7 - Facetime - I facetimes for about 20 minutes and the party on the other side commented on how clear the video image was as well as the vocal quality.

Battery life will be tested the next few days but with facetiming and not putting the phone down for a second from 2:00 - 8:00 - 8 hours (came at 96% battery) I have 78% left, This includes the 11.1 update also as well as adding back all my apps.

For anyone on the fence about this phone do not hesitate a second to purchase. I know its expensive but its worth every penny. I have the Space Grey 256 gb ATT model.



macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2010
I agree with all of the above points. This thing is polished, fast, and far and away the best handset on earth right now.

The Samsung devices are also extraordinary, but if you love and are invested in iOS they just wont do. Now Apple and Android fans both have awesome devices to choose from.


macrumors 601
Dec 25, 2013
LOL Touchwiz is garbage. I owned a S7 and S8. Beside that you need a suitcase to carry that phone.
Yeah totally giving you ****. Enjoy the phone! I got one for my fiance so I'll be sure to check hers out while enjoying my Note.


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
The Note 8 is everything....better than a phone in which its main feature is unlocking your phone with your face and animojis....:D



Jul 12, 2016
The Note 8 is everything....better than a phone in which its main feature is unlocking your phone with your face and animojis....:D And once again the Note 8 wins the speed test against the iPhone X just like it did against the S8 plus.

Question, why bring the Note 8 into this thread and try to compare it to the X based on a thread dedicated solely to the X? The Note 8 is a nice device, but why try and compete or make claims to something unrelated?


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
Question, why bring the Note 8 into this thread and try to compare it to the X based on a thread dedicated solely to the X? The Note 8 is a nice device, but why try and compete or make claims to something unrelated?

Hey the OP said the iphone X was greatest phone ever made...ask him why he came to do that. He has to say its the greatest because he owns it...probably would have said it was the greatest even if it is basic as it is.


Oct 16, 2017
Not the best iPhone design ever.

Pixel 2 XL has better battery life and camera but X cost more.

Note8 has better display and more features but X cost more.

X has same SoC, amount of RAM, and nearly same rear camera as 8 Plus but X cost more.

It's only two differentiating features from 8 Plus is Face ID and Animoji.

So X doesn't have the best design, best battery life, best display, and is a glorified 8 Plus in a 8 body. And it is still priced higher than all of them?

Yeah, sure. Best cell phone ever made. Can you drive home safely after your X buzz?


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
Not the best iPhone design ever.

Pixel 2 XL has better battery life and camera but X cost more.

Note8 has better display and more features but X cost more.

X has same SoC, amount of RAM, and nearly same rear camera as 8 Plus but X cost more.

It's only two differentiating features from 8 Plus is Face ID and Animoji.

So X doesn't have the best design, best battery life, best display, and is a glorified 8 Plus in a 8 body. And it is still priced higher than all of them?

Yeah, sure. Best cell phone ever made. Can you drive home safely after your X buzz?

Someone finally speaks the truth. I know some people are excited about their new iPhone X's but dont exaggerate things to make you feel better about your device. Enjoy it even if its not the best at everything. I could say Note 8 was the best off of features alone but I will not go there because some people don't use those features.


macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
Cocaine is a powerful drug and so are smartphones' honeymoon phase intoxication the first few months.
I miss those days. I have both the 8 Plus (soon to be gifted to my wife or daughter) and the X. Neither one does anything for me.

Bear in mind that I waited for my X in line at the Apple Store from 7:45am. I finished the transaction around 1pm. I then drove almost 2 hours to pick up parts for my one service call of the day, 45 minutes to the call, then an hour and a half home.

Needless to say, I have had no time at all to play around with it. Just made sure all email accounts are set up and apps are logged in. Maybe after the weekend I'll be more impressed...maybe...


macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2012
Not the best iPhone design ever.

Pixel 2 XL has better battery life and camera but X cost more.

Note8 has better display and more features but X cost more.

X has same SoC, amount of RAM, and nearly same rear camera as 8 Plus but X cost more.

It's only two differentiating features from 8 Plus is Face ID and Animoji.

So X doesn't have the best design, best battery life, best display, and is a glorified 8 Plus in a 8 body. And it is still priced higher than all of them?

Yeah, sure. Best cell phone ever made. Can you drive home safely after your X buzz?

I'm not one for saying something is the best ever before using it for a few months, but I will ask how do you know the Pixel 2 XL has better battery life. Do you have any insider information regarding the iPhone X's battery life after a few weeks of usage?

Display is subjective.

Design is subjective.

Who knows, maybe 8 Plus is a toned down X in a 7P body.

Something can have 80932409283402398402389 features, but yet how many are used on a regular basis? How many of those features are polished? Smashing features into a phone don't automatically make it better, it just means it has a lot more features smashed into it. Yet again, subjective.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2013
And two years from now you will saying what a piece of crap it is compared to the latest flavor of the month. Time marches on.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2016
This statement suggests you have tried every phone out there... Let the dopamine wear off and struggle through a few Face ID incidents, then we'll see.
Note 8 is better. There I said it!

Have to agree. Liked my ip7+, but love my Note 8. The X is still playing catch-up with the Note.


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2010
Hey the OP said the iphone X was greatest phone ever made...ask him why he came to do that. He has to say its the greatest because he owns it...probably would have said it was the greatest even if it is basic as it is.

Aren’t you doing the same thing?
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