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macrumors 6502
Feb 4, 2003
San Diego, California
I like Mac's style...

kinda ironic huh?new itunes makes you pay for downloading music while they are thinking of making ipod cables for transfering music... funny... but hey, i'm not gonna get an ipod any time soon so it doesn't matter


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
Playing the games head-to-head in a furious battle...he who wins has pride and glory, he who loses has his iPod formatted.

It's a cruel world nowadays, are you up to the challange?



macrumors member
Feb 8, 2003
I don't think this will be iPod to iPod connector sounds a little silly.

So the question is if this cable has more connectors/wires that aren't used when connected to a firewire port why dose the iPod need all these connectors?

Could this be for connecting a mic or something?


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
absolutely and totally fake. i don't have any proof but come on people, if you know apple at all (and the recording industry) you should know this isn't going to happen. Obviously if they let you transfer music, the iTunes store would lose it's contracts... and i'm sorry, there's really nothing else to use it for. Would you buy a whole separate docking apparatus to transfer AddressBook info? Why not just plug it into the Mac to begin with?

i wouldn't even say this is Page 2 fodder, except for "what the hell?" value...



macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2002
maybe it is a cable for the DJ ipod thing, hook up a regular ipod and a DJ ipod for some mixing.


macrumors 65816
Nov 17, 2002
yeah, why is everyone jumping to the conclusion this is for trading music?

anyway, i have a question!

what does anyone know abaout the 'ipod dock connector' has anyone seen one before? is it entirely proprietory? any info is welcomed.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Originally posted by nagromme
It's to facilitate pirating of music! Cool...

I thought I'd made on obvious joke... but to be extra clear: it's an obvious joke :)

Neither Apple nor I would ever support piracy.

The cable may well be real, though, for SOMETHING. MacWhispers was right about the last inexplicable cable they reported--the USB/Firewire Y-cable. It turned out to be a coming iPod accessory for PCs: the data-by-USB-while-charging-by-Firewire-connected-to-the-power-brick cable.

All the extra pins already present on current docking connectors do suggest that Apple has future iPod plans... it will be interesting to see what.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Originally posted by melchior
what does anyone know abaout the 'ipod dock connector' has anyone seen one before? is it entirely proprietory? any info is welcomed.

It's a new iPod-only proprietary thing from Apple, and somewhat mysterious.

Some have said it's just a thinner alternative to a Firewire port, to allow the iPods to be thinner and more rounded. But it's more than that: it has many more pins than are used for Firewire. Perhaps future accessories will use them for something? Everything from wireless remotes to audio recording to fancier docks has been rumored. In any case, it seems likely that the new connector has reasons we don't yet know.

The dock itself is entirely optional--basically just a big adapter that sticks on the end of the cable. Without the dock, you can plug the same cable directly into the iPod's docking connector.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2003
A Window Sill in Cupertino
If you think "logically" about this, take the rumor of a DJ iPod and this cable. It would seem that the cable could be one to connect the iPod to a DJ mixing board.

Granted, it wouldn't be a "standard" connection.

The cable could also be used to output a stereo system box, one that has standard outs and allows a remote to control the iPod.

Then you have Steve's comment about using the iPod not to view videos, but to output to an external device.

So many choices.

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macrumors member
Feb 3, 2003
This report seemed (and seems) illogical to me. (Yes, I know, I published it... because it's true... that said...)

I have sat and drawn dozens of possible interconnect concepts that would hook the iPod into a myriad of fanciful devices, many of which would benegit from havign a full link to all of the iPod's control and signal pins. That said, though, whenever I've come up wiht one that seems to make some sense of this cable, I run into the same problem: Having the exact same connector on both ends of the cable means this "mystery device" would also have to have the exact same dock port on it as does the iPod... which means it could be plugged into any of the docking cables, and plugged into a Mac or PC, directly. AT this point, my imagination dries up.

What sort of product would (A) be usefully plugged into a full connection to the iPod, (B) *safely* and purposefully be plugged into a Mac or PC by Firewire and/or USB 2.0... *without* the iPod being involved, but (C) not both of these at the same time? (assuming just one such dock connector port is on the mystery device)

I know the freaking cable's real, but, I'm a complete blank on how on earth it makes any sense.

And, yes, it's frustrating me a little. :)


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by paulwhannel
absolutely and totally fake. i don't have any proof but come on people, if you know apple at all (and the recording industry) you should know this isn't going to happen. Obviously if they let you transfer music, the iTunes store would lose it's contracts... and i'm sorry, there's really nothing else to use it for. Would you buy a whole separate docking apparatus to transfer AddressBook info? Why not just plug it into the Mac to begin with?

i wouldn't even say this is Page 2 fodder, except for "what the hell?" value...

well hold on a second. i agree with you but what about this. if was meant to hook up two ipods, how would you transfer the music, isnt apple the only ones who know how to make software for the ipod, unless the cables run through a computer as well how would you transfer the info. but i do agree with you that its a fake. there would be no point. isnt the only reason apple made this port is because its skinnien that a regular firewire port?



macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
Guys, it's just a cable.

I don't want to offend anyone, but please.

(waiting for "not any cable, an APPLE cable!")

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003

Why hasn't anyone asked the obvious question? Is this a pass-through or a cross over cable?

If someone knows that all 32 wires are connected, they probably know the pin to pin connections...


macrumors 65816
Nov 17, 2002
Re: wiring

Originally posted by Analog Kid
Why hasn't anyone asked the obvious question? Is this a pass-through or a cross over cable?

If someone knows that all 32 wires are connected, they probably know the pin to pin connections...

it's not an ethernet cable...


macrumors 68040
Jan 6, 2002
A Music store station at Apple Stores?? Wasn't their a rumor about having music store stations at Apple Stores?? That would be cool, plug in, buy music, download, Sync.


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2002
Originally posted by Spock
A Music store station at Apple Stores?? Wasn't their a rumor about having music store stations at Apple Stores?? That would be cool, plug in, buy music, download, Sync.

That means new software/upgrades.
If they do, I hope they put some more features in.


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
Now THAT'S a good idea, it would allow people with a slow connection to get all their music quick, and... would allow Windows iPod users access to the Apple music store ahead of time.

Apple are crafty :)



macrumors regular
Aug 28, 2002
Austin, TX
Hrm, this is awfully familiar of the proprietary InterConnect port located on the Newton Messagepad 2x00's. These had multiple connectors, and the only thing Apple used it for was an adapter so you could hook it via the serial port to your mac. Some brave person actually modded these adapters to create headphone out and microphone in ports.

I wonder if the multiple pins located on the iPod connector will be used as a microphone? Maybe it will go to a small LCD-Display/Remote? Has Apple even given us a document on the mapping out of this connector?

I'm so glad I ordered one of these :)


macrumors newbie
Dec 8, 2002
file transfer

The cable could be for transfering Contacts or notes or even files. you know, instead of giving your name card to that person, you just connect eachother's iPods and transfer Contacts. Its like that Nintendo Gamboy. two player game ?? :D


macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2003
New York
also, maybe as a bonus, a two player game! although i don't know anyone else with a new iPod, that would still be cool. anyway, it could be for contacts and calanders, but i think it could be for anything. i havn't the slightest clue.
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