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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 7, 2006
Kansas. No, not on a farm.
Back in September 2005, I remember ordering my iBook G4 online through the Apple store and I remember they offered a "free iPod mini" deal, just as they are now with the nanos. A couple months later, they discontinued the best selling (I believe) iPod line, and replaced them with iPod nanos.

Now most obviously, they are offering a free iPod nano with every Mac purchase until, surprisingly, September 16th. Is this a coincidence or is this the end of the iPod nano for good?
rafifreak00 said:
Back in September 2005, I remember ordering my iBook G4 online through the Apple store and I remember they offered a "free iPod mini" deal, just as they are now with the nanos. A couple months later, they discontinued the best selling (I believe) iPod line, and replaced them with iPod nanos.

Now most obviously, they are offering a free iPod nano with every Mac purchase until, surprisingly, September 16th. Is this a coincidence or is this the end of the iPod nano for good?

It's neither a coicidence nor the end of the Nano. They just do this promotion to capture the back to school crowd, it's not a ploy to clear inventory.
I liked the mini, it sat nicer in my hands, its more durable, and has a nice wieght to it. To me a nano is like a shotgun that weighs 12 oz. Lame. Put some nice HDDs in the minis and add a color screen, awesome. Thats why I'm hoping the new nanos will be more like the minis.
It is to clear out inventory. They are most likely coming out with updated nanos and knew that the program worked out so well last year with the minis, so they did it again.

Plus, they know that college students are suckers for "free" iPods.
Hmm.. I just bought a black 4GB iPod nano this afternoon. Are you telling me they are about to become obsolete? Say it isn't so!
They do this same promotion every year at back to school time. Buy a mac, get a free ipod or upgrade to a bigger iPod and pay the difference. They say get a free mini or a free nano because they are the cheapest iPods in the lineup.
I never really liked the iPod mini or the iPod nano... they both were just... not enough room for me. Having a 24GB music collection, I bought the 60GB models, but I'd only listen to a few albums on there, so I downgraded to a 512MB iPod shuffle and I love it so much more than any iPod.
steamboat26 said:
I heard someone say that it could be a ploy to empty inventory to make way for the rumored 8-12 GB Magnesium nanos...

I'm sure they'll release a new iPod Nano in the near future, but I doubt Apple's planning is so piss poor that they have a promotion giving them away run for three months before they clear enough inventory to release new nanos.
steamboat26 said:
I heard someone say that it could be a ploy to empty inventory to make way for the rumored 8-12 GB Magnesium nanos...

Hey, for all you know we might have a magnesium MBP
generik said:
Hey, for all you know we might have a magnesium MBP

I really wish Apple puts magnesium case for the Merom MBPs. I`d get it even if it`s not Magnesium. Just change the current design. No matter how good it is, it`s getting very old now. I dont wish to buy a MBP only to find out new cases announced only a few months later.
generik said:
Hey, for all you know we might have a magnesium MBP

My major disappointment with Apple since the demise of the iPod mini has been their choice of finishes in product lines. Between the delicacy of the nano and a propensity for showing hairline scratches, smudges and discoloration in both iPods and Mac Books, the biggest and most positive change in direction will be to see items stressing durability and that will maintain the original look over time with any degree of decent care.

Of course, one of the countless protective shields and cases can be used with the products, but for the healthy price charged by Apple it would be preferred to return to finishes that consumers loved in the past, plus it would go a very long way toward eliminating the loud chorus of legitimate complaints. It was done before ... let's do it again.
steamboat26 said:
I dunno, thats just what i heard...And BTW do you mean that a magnesium nano would be expensive, or what?

If giving away Nanos sways one buyer, that covers the cost of probably close to 10 Nanos. So if they sway more than 1 out of 10 people that take advantage of this offer are buying becasue of the offer they end up making money.

Plus they can count it as a Mac sale plus a Nano sale. This makes their stats look much better.
steamboat26 said:
I heard someone say that it could be a ploy to empty inventory to make way for the rumored 8-12 GB Magnesium nanos...

So you heard a rumour about inventory clearance to make room for a rumoured iPod storage capacity and rumoured outer shell?
It's inevitable that the nano will get updated before xmas. Whether they will go with a different package (case) I'm not sure but I hope so. A robust 8GB nano is just what I need.
Don't forget they only just released the Nike + thing, so it's unlikely they're going to make Nanos obsolete soon. Whether they update them in some fancy way is anybody's guess though.
maxdet said:
Most iPods have thier equivalent as a notebook: balck and white iPods and black and white MB. Any chance for a MBP/PB looking iPod?
The silver mini was pretty close, but Apple noticed that people liked those so they stopped making them.
rafifreak00 said:
Back in September 2005, I remember ordering my iBook G4 online through the Apple store and I remember they offered a "free iPod mini" deal, just as they are now with the nanos. A couple months later, they discontinued the best selling (I believe) iPod line, and replaced them with iPod nanos.

Now most obviously, they are offering a free iPod nano with every Mac purchase until, surprisingly, September 16th. Is this a coincidence or is this the end of the iPod nano for good?
They just grandfathered in the Mac Pros to this list. So, I don't think Apple Education would spill the Mac Pro on some rebate. There are still secrets inside of Apple and sometimes the rebates have to be edited.

Lau said:
Don't forget they only just released the Nike + thing, so it's unlikely they're going to make Nanos obsolete soon. Whether they update them in some fancy way is anybody's guess though.
A very good point.
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