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maxdet said:
Most iPods have thier equivalent as a notebook: balck and white iPods and black and white MB. Any chance for a MBP/PB looking iPod?

what do you mean they have their counterpart as a laptop??? You are basing it on 1 iPod!!!!!!

Anyway, i would guess that Apple will release a new one around October to coincide with the 5 year anerversary (i know i cant spell) and it might be any kind of iPod, just an update or a completely new one like the true video iPod.
They won't be getting rid of the nano. They just released the Nike+ kit which seems to be a hit. They're probably just trying to clear inventory before they update the nano. I'm trying to wait for an 8gb nano. Hopefully next month for my birthday. I'll be purchasing that and the Nike+ kit.
The nano is the one thing other competitors can't match. They won't clear it... short of making it even SMALLER and calling it Pica.

The closest competition in terms of size is the Sansui, which is a stupid comparison because they quote they're just as small, yet a fair amount thicker when Apple's marketing has always been "Pencil Thin".
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