Ok so, there are some misunderstandings with the official readme, which is why i am writing this guide. I made it easier for you, for example i have already patched the PwnageTool correctly (most people do that wrong and they dont get cydia) and extracted the 3 needed files from the .ipsw files.
Anyway, download this file and extract it. (i will upload it in more mirrors later)
Then download the 2.2.1 firmware (no need for the 2.1.1 because i already extracted the needed file)
You must have libusb installed. First, run DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg (if you need a Tiger version reply here asking for it) and install it
After installing macports, run libusb.pkg and install it
After installing libusb, run PwnageTool (its already patched), choose ipod touch and then browse the official 2.2.1 .ispw file you downloaded (if its not automaticaly detected that is), go to "custom logos" and uncheck both. Double click "Build" and then wait for it to create the custom file.
Now move the rslite folder to your desktop.
*Important: Keep itunes closed while doing the following*
Now you need to run your ipod in DFU mode. To achieve that, hold the home button + the power button together for 10sec, then let go the power button and keep pressing the home button for 7sec.
In ipod.txt, theres some code you will need to type each time you want to get your iphone to boot or to restore it. Here it is:
On terminal (Applications/Utilities) type:
"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
If you correctly put your ipod in DFU mode, then following this procedure will get your ipod ready for a restore. Open itunes. You should now get a message telling you that your ipod is running on recovery mode. Just click ok. Now, hold the the Alt key and click "Restore", the button you would normally use for restoring your ipod. With holding the alt key, you can now manually choose which .ipsw file itunes will use to restore your ipod. Choose the custom one that you created with pwnagetool. Give it some time to install. Then you should get a message telling you that the ipod will restart. It won't..
Ok so, once you've done the above, you'll have to know how to boot your ipod, and thats exactly what ur going to do each time you have to boot/reboot it. Close itunes. Go once more in DFU mode. Then open up the terminal again and type:
"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
Your ipod should now boot normally, with cydia installed and ofc... jailbroken!
I hope this guide was helpful, please report if you have any problems. Enjoy your jailbroken ipod 2g!!!
UPDATE: jaikob made a great application that automates the procedure for booting your jailbroken ipod. check this thread and say a thank you to him
UPDATE 2: I will soon be updating this with a tiger macports installer AND also a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g (i already have it perfectly working). stay tuned!
UPDATE 3: Heres a link with a DarwingPorts (MacPorts) for Tiger version. Click here
Oh and i will soon post a guide for installing installer
*Also for a PPC version click here
Anyway, download this file and extract it. (i will upload it in more mirrors later)
Then download the 2.2.1 firmware (no need for the 2.1.1 because i already extracted the needed file)
You must have libusb installed. First, run DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg (if you need a Tiger version reply here asking for it) and install it
After installing macports, run libusb.pkg and install it
After installing libusb, run PwnageTool (its already patched), choose ipod touch and then browse the official 2.2.1 .ispw file you downloaded (if its not automaticaly detected that is), go to "custom logos" and uncheck both. Double click "Build" and then wait for it to create the custom file.
Now move the rslite folder to your desktop.
*Important: Keep itunes closed while doing the following*
Now you need to run your ipod in DFU mode. To achieve that, hold the home button + the power button together for 10sec, then let go the power button and keep pressing the home button for 7sec.
In ipod.txt, theres some code you will need to type each time you want to get your iphone to boot or to restore it. Here it is:
On terminal (Applications/Utilities) type:
"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
If you correctly put your ipod in DFU mode, then following this procedure will get your ipod ready for a restore. Open itunes. You should now get a message telling you that your ipod is running on recovery mode. Just click ok. Now, hold the the Alt key and click "Restore", the button you would normally use for restoring your ipod. With holding the alt key, you can now manually choose which .ipsw file itunes will use to restore your ipod. Choose the custom one that you created with pwnagetool. Give it some time to install. Then you should get a message telling you that the ipod will restart. It won't..
Ok so, once you've done the above, you'll have to know how to boot your ipod, and thats exactly what ur going to do each time you have to boot/reboot it. Close itunes. Go once more in DFU mode. Then open up the terminal again and type:
"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
press enter
Your ipod should now boot normally, with cydia installed and ofc... jailbroken!
I hope this guide was helpful, please report if you have any problems. Enjoy your jailbroken ipod 2g!!!
UPDATE: jaikob made a great application that automates the procedure for booting your jailbroken ipod. check this thread and say a thank you to him
UPDATE 2: I will soon be updating this with a tiger macports installer AND also a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g (i already have it perfectly working). stay tuned!
UPDATE 3: Heres a link with a DarwingPorts (MacPorts) for Tiger version. Click here
*Also for a PPC version click here