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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
Nerd Cave
Ok so, there are some misunderstandings with the official readme, which is why i am writing this guide. I made it easier for you, for example i have already patched the PwnageTool correctly (most people do that wrong and they dont get cydia) and extracted the 3 needed files from the .ipsw files.

Anyway, download this file and extract it. (i will upload it in more mirrors later)

Then download the 2.2.1 firmware (no need for the 2.1.1 because i already extracted the needed file)

You must have libusb installed. First, run DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg (if you need a Tiger version reply here asking for it) and install it

After installing macports, run libusb.pkg and install it

After installing libusb, run PwnageTool (its already patched), choose ipod touch and then browse the official 2.2.1 .ispw file you downloaded (if its not automaticaly detected that is), go to "custom logos" and uncheck both. Double click "Build" and then wait for it to create the custom file.

Now move the rslite folder to your desktop.

*Important: Keep itunes closed while doing the following*

Now you need to run your ipod in DFU mode. To achieve that, hold the home button + the power button together for 10sec, then let go the power button and keep pressing the home button for 7sec.

In ipod.txt, theres some code you will need to type each time you want to get your iphone to boot or to restore it. Here it is:

On terminal (Applications/Utilities) type:

"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

If you correctly put your ipod in DFU mode, then following this procedure will get your ipod ready for a restore. Open itunes. You should now get a message telling you that your ipod is running on recovery mode. Just click ok. Now, hold the the Alt key and click "Restore", the button you would normally use for restoring your ipod. With holding the alt key, you can now manually choose which .ipsw file itunes will use to restore your ipod. Choose the custom one that you created with pwnagetool. Give it some time to install. Then you should get a message telling you that the ipod will restart. It won't..

Ok so, once you've done the above, you'll have to know how to boot your ipod, and thats exactly what ur going to do each time you have to boot/reboot it. Close itunes. Go once more in DFU mode. Then open up the terminal again and type:

"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

press enter

Your ipod should now boot normally, with cydia installed and ofc... jailbroken! :)

I hope this guide was helpful, please report if you have any problems. Enjoy your jailbroken ipod 2g!!!

UPDATE: jaikob made a great application that automates the procedure for booting your jailbroken ipod. check this thread and say a thank you to him :)

UPDATE 2: I will soon be updating this with a tiger macports installer AND also a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g (i already have it perfectly working). stay tuned!

UPDATE 3: Heres a link with a DarwingPorts (MacPorts) for Tiger version. Click here :) Oh and i will soon post a guide for installing installer
*Also for a PPC version click here
I dont know what is "libusb" and "DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg"? Where can I found them?

Sorry! You re add all files in .zip... Thank you I will try your way....
It worked! Thank you so much.

Arrrg! My ipod won't go back into DFU mode!

I got it out of DFU. It just takes good timing.
This worked perfectly! Thanks! I finally Jailbreaked my 2G. I never shut it down so I don't really care about doing 30 seconds of commands everytime.

Thanks a bunch! This will be perfect until they release a real Jailbreak.
Hehe no problem, im sure most of you guys would do the same. A small request to people that have succesfully followed this guide would be to post here saying it worked... just so people dont think it's fake (because i am linking you my own .zip file, and people can easilly assume that it could be a scam). I honestly tell you that this is a real guide, the reason that i link you to my own files is because i thought it would be a lot easier to just give you the needed files + having them patched instead of telling you where to download them or to download more files and also telling you how to patch pT or how to extract the dfu files...
*Important: Keep itunes closed while doing the following*

Now you need to run your ipod in DFU mode. To achieve that, hold the home button + the power button together for 10sec, then let go the power button and keep pressing the home button for 7sec.

In ipod.txt, theres some code you will need to type each time you want to get your iphone to boot or to restore it. Here it is:

On terminal (Applications/Utilities) type:

"cd ~/Desktop/rslite"
press enter

press enter

press enter

Alright, I've tried it and iTunes decided to pop up and inform me it detected a DFU device after I executed that first rslite command. It was totally closed when I started the process as instructed, so I must have missed an iTunes setting somewhere regarding automation. Did you guys have to do anything special to make iTunes not pop up at random when it sees a DFU device? And it's not totally clear if you do those commands before running the restore or just while booting each time.

Just so you know, I did NOT brick it, I got it out of DFU mode and it booted normally with all my data intact, iTunes sees it, etc.
Alright, I've tried it and iTunes decided to pop up and inform me it detected a DFU device after I executed that first rslite command. It was totally closed when I started the process as instructed, so I must have missed an iTunes setting somewhere regarding automation. Did you guys have to do anything special to make iTunes not pop up at random when it sees a DFU device? And it's not totally clear if you do those commands before running the restore or just while booting each time.

Just so you know, I did NOT brick it, I got it out of DFU mode and it booted normally with all my data intact, iTunes sees it, etc.

It doesn't matter if iTunes sees it. iTunes won't touch it unless you click restore. I booted my ipod from DFU mode while I had music playing with no adverse effects.

There are two sets of instructions. When you restore, you load the 2.1.1 iBoot, pwn the device, then reload the 2.2.1 iBoot. When you re/boot your iPod, you add an extra step.

If you really don't like it when iTunes opens up every time it sees a DFU device, open Activity Monitor, find the process called "iTunes Helper" or the like and quit it. If you don't do this iTunes will open up a few times. It's normal.
I had some problems getting it in to DFU mode the second time. But I was able to make it happen.

The issue I had was you have to hold the button for exactly 10 seconds and without any on-screen indicators it made it difficult. I looked at a clock and then got it done perfect :)

Thanks for the guide, it all worked!
It does not install Installer

Hey thanks for the great tutorial and it worked perfectly for me and I was not even an administrator on my computer! I have one problem though... It only installed Cydia not Installer! is there any way ot install installer as well?
If you really don't like it when iTunes opens up every time it sees a DFU device, open Activity Monitor, find the process called "iTunes Helper" or the like and quit it. If you don't do this iTunes will open up a few times. It's normal.

Yeah, picked up on that right after I posted, and successfully jailbroke, didn't check back since I've been messing with all the Cydia fun since.

Posting from Jailbroken iPod Touch 2G...
I'd like to try this, but what is the risk of bricking my iPod? Will I be able to revert to the original firmware if something goes wrong?

Edit: Trying right now.

Edit: Works! Wow. Thanks incredibly.
I'd like to try this, but what is the risk of bricking my iPod? Will I be able to revert to the original firmware if something goes wrong?

Despite all the warnings (you should still take them seriously), if you know what Terminal is and how to use it, you should be fine. I skipped the first rslite steps and I had to go back and do them again. I was fine.

Yes, you can revert back. There is always a risk of bricking your 'Pod, but as long as you don't unplug it while it's doing something important, you'll be fine.
First, run DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg (if you need a Tiger version reply here asking for it

i need tiger version, does it work on PPC processor? i have updated ipod 2g to 2.2 can i still jailbreak it your way?
First, run DarwinPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg (if you need a Tiger version reply here asking for it

i need tiger version, does it work on PPC processor? i have updated ipod 2g to 2.2 can i still jailbreak it your way?

Hi, have you tried that file to see if it works on tiger? im having some kind of trouble finding a link for tiger, but i will eventually. For those who asked for the installer, i will soon be updating this guide to add "how to install installer app" :)
Hi, have you tried that file to see if it works on tiger? im having some kind of trouble finding a link for tiger, but i will eventually. For those who asked for the installer, i will soon be updating this guide to add "how to install installer app" :)

have tried the leopard version, but I cann't finish the installing the program:( it is not compatible I guess!

please give me tiger version, and make the your useful guide more clear.

thank you, you are helpful
Wow... this guide is really good! :D
im gonna try it for my ipod touch and see what happens.
this thread should be stickied.
your guide work with Power PC processor?

i am running Mac OS X10.4.11, and mine is a PowerbookG4 PPC(not intel), so do you think I still can jailbreak ipt your way? please answer me. if rslite is only intel, can you make a version for PowerPC? if I jailbreak ipod on friend's macbook then sync it with my own powerbook's itunes, what would happen?

and one more thing is Do i need to update my current version 2.2 to 2.2.1 before jailbreaking?
I also got a PPC wich is not able to run rslite, so I would be very grateful if you or someone else could create a program compatible with PPC.
For some reason Mac Ports wont install. I have a 2.4 Penryn Blackbook w/4gb of ram.

Now playing on iTunes: Powerman 5000 - An Eye Is Upon You
Having the same problem. Running macbook pro 2.4 ghz 2g ram, early 2008 model with leopard 10.5.5

I found another tutorial and jailbroke mt ipod last night. If any needs assitance i can tell you what i did, but i am by no means an expert. an a word of advice, dfu is your friend! ;)

Now playing on iTunes: Lil' Wayne - 50 Cent's A Clown (Feat. Fat Joe)
Everything works as I expected, but I'm not seeing Cydia (or any UI changes). After rebooting using Terminal, the iPod wanted to be connected to iTunes. When I connected it, iTunes offered to put my old apps, music, calendars, and email accounts back on. I accepted, and it put them on (but sorted alphabetically rather than as I'd had them). However, my iPod ran out of room to display things midway through the apps starting with R. After much deletion of new apps in my install queue that weren't particularly worthwhile, I'm getting down to about the same setup I had before - still with all screens full. Would this be causing Cydia to not show up, or did I mess up somewhere?


Update: I've filtered out most of the apps, leaving four blank spaces, and restored twice more using freshly-generated pwned firmware. However, Cydia still isn't showing up even on the initial after-restore boot with just the stock programs. Do I need to treat it as a new iPod? Or is there something else I'm missing?
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