So...any news on the tiger macports installer and a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g?
I am running tiger and need the tiger version.
However, Cydia still isn't showing up even on the initial after-restore boot with just the stock programs. Do I need to treat it as a new iPod? Or is there something else I'm missing?
I jailbroke my ipod touch 2g and I have Cydia but not installer.
Is this normal or do I have to do something extra to get it
I think Cydia sucks there's other hacking progs out there that do a much better job.
I can't finish the installation for MacPorts either.
I have a 2.16 GHz Intel Core2 Duo on a version 10.5.6 mac.
Is there something wrong with my hardware or did i miss a step because im not sure how im supposed to install libusb
Is this for Windows, Mac, or both?
Redsn0w lite is for intel macs only.
Is it possible to jailbreak a 2g ipod touch with Windows XP?
lol what happens if a first gen touch user does this
lol what happens if a first gen touch user does this
Success! Thanks a bunch. The instructions were great my only hiccup was trying to get the iPod into DFU mode. I was confused by the, after the custom build I continued to use PwnageTool to try and enter DFU. All I had to do was quit and DFU on my own and the rest was easy. This was a breeze thanks to these directions.
Cheers sOwl you rock.
Did you use the semi-tethered jailbreak or the tethered one?
how do you reboot the ipod touch 2g on a mac that is running tiger?