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why no more update???? please include PPC rslite(universal one) in your program to make it work on intel And PPC mac
So...any news on the tiger macports installer and a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g?
I am running tiger and need the tiger version.
So...any news on the tiger macports installer and a guide for getting Installer to your ipod 2g?
I am running tiger and need the tiger version.

You dont need Macports. I have an intel Blackbook and Macports wouldnt install so i found another tutorial that didnt mention Macports and my iPod Touch 2G has been jail broken for about 3 weeks now.

I used the files from the OP, and the used the directions i found here. ( I started where it says, "Now open terminal..." )

Now playing on iTunes: Ludacris, Diddy, Lil Jon, & Akon - Get Buck In Here (Dj Felli Fel Album)
However, Cydia still isn't showing up even on the initial after-restore boot with just the stock programs. Do I need to treat it as a new iPod? Or is there something else I'm missing?


-->Enable restrictions

(enter your passcode)


-->Disable restrictions

Cydia might turn up. I had the same problem with no Cydia or Installer showing up after a jailbreak, but I have a 1G iTouch. You can try with this though, it won't hurt, and it might help :)
I jailbroke my ipod touch 2g and I have Cydia but not installer.
Is this normal or do I have to do something extra to get it

It's normal. You can download Installer from Cydia, but I would advise against it. There's nothing you can get out of Installer that you can't get out of Cydia; whether it be themes, or tweaks, or music player replacements.
I think Cydia sucks there's other hacking progs out there that do a much better job.
I can't finish the installation for MacPorts either.
I have a 2.16 GHz Intel Core2 Duo on a version 10.5.6 mac.
Is there something wrong with my hardware or did i miss a step because im not sure how im supposed to install libusb
I can't finish the installation for MacPorts either.
I have a 2.16 GHz Intel Core2 Duo on a version 10.5.6 mac.
Is there something wrong with my hardware or did i miss a step because im not sure how im supposed to install libusb

See my post five above yours...

Now playing on iTunes: Kanye West - Addiction (Kenny Dope & Terry Hunter Remix)
lol what happens if a first gen touch user does this

I wouldn't recommend it. It could work normally, or it could mess up your iBSS terribly. It depends on the nature of the differences in the machines and whether the code being sent is specific to the newer touch's cpu (most likely).
Success! Thanks a bunch. The instructions were great my only hiccup was trying to get the iPod into DFU mode. I was confused by the, after the custom build I continued to use PwnageTool to try and enter DFU. All I had to do was quit and DFU on my own and the rest was easy. This was a breeze thanks to these directions.
Cheers sOwl you rock.
Success! Thanks a bunch. The instructions were great my only hiccup was trying to get the iPod into DFU mode. I was confused by the, after the custom build I continued to use PwnageTool to try and enter DFU. All I had to do was quit and DFU on my own and the rest was easy. This was a breeze thanks to these directions.
Cheers sOwl you rock.

Did you use the semi-tethered jailbreak or the tethered one?
I updated with a link for a tiger version (edit: +Panther PPC) of MacPorts and i'll soon be updating this with a guide on how to get installer. Sorry it took me so long... i was pretty busy :p
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