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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 28, 2008
Question to those who already installed it :)

Is it stable enough for day-to-day home use? I would love to give it a try, but worried about kernel panics and excessive crashes.

I know it's a dev prev so not expecting too much, but looking forward to opinions :)

Thanks in advance.
I just have it installed on a second partition on my HDD at the moment, and it's damn stable for DP1, albeit a few little bugs and incompatible apps. I wouldn't recommend taking the leap to a primary install just yet, in case something goes horribly wrong with DP2 or some other issue. However, at this stage, it is surprisingly stable.
It is surprisingly stable. I have it installed on an external hard drive and booting from USB. Not going for the primary install yet though.
I find it quite stable, actually. However, iCloud is broken for me, says I can't log in. AirPlay (sound output) doesn't work either, it doesn't even show me the option for it.

The only reason I don't use it on a day-to-day basis is that the DisplayLink driver doesn't work, and of course iCloud, as mentioned above.
Minor graphical bugs here and there, otherwise performance seems better than Lion. No slowdowns or crashes at all. Pleasntly surprised :)
Its very stable but it may have a date expiration where it will stop working unless you install a newer build and those newer builds may not have the stability this one has.
No kernel panics so far. The Finder and most of the operating system is stable, but I have ran into a few minor problems, like System Preferences crashing in the Desktop and Screensaver pane due to changes that were made to screensaver previewing. There are some rough edges, but overall it works pretty well. You might want to wait until somebody compiles a list of compatible 3rd party apps before taking the plunge, though, just incase you rely on anything that might not work in 10.8.
Some significant rough edges and graphical glitches, but like everyone else has said, Surprisingly stable for a beta 1 release.

Probably better than Lion DP 1

Fortunately, I think being that its February and the public launch of this (presumably) around August, we'll be seeing updates every 4 - 8 weeks.
For all the core functions I would expect it to have the stability of Lion. I'm sure at the core of ML there's at the very least 10.7.3 code. Perhaps even some 10.7.4.
I installed it on my MBA works fine as primary on that. I am going to wait to install on my imac.
It's surprisingly stable, In fact I use it as my primary OS, and haven't experienced a single crash yet.. All the applications and games I have are still functioning..
It seems to be what Lion should have been, lean and stable like Snow Leopard. I'm quite impressed and ready to put lion behind me..
Things like Parallels, etc. need to get fixed (and hopefully they don't use it as an excuse to sell another $49 "update") but it sounds like 10.8 is shaping up to be a good update.
None of you guys has problems with spotlight or with file search in general from finder search bar?
I find I can't make a search in sub folders and the results delivered are total, what I mean is that I can't, for instance, narrow my search clicking a specific folder or volume ...
Anyone reports the same?
I'm currently using Mountain Lion as my primary OS. Overall, it's very stable. Here are the issues I've noticed:

- Completely crashed when playing Minecraft (not frequently, just once)
- Issues connecting to Cinema Display:
* Mini Displayport audio is erratic. USB audio works.
* Freezing when waking from sleep (so, I set to only display sleep when connected to power)
* Can reboot successfully when connected to display. Can't cold boot without freeze.
- Launchpad key on Bluetooth keyboard doesn't work.

Most apps seem fine (latest release of Aperture didn't work). I used the Lion dev previews last year. There were numerous graphical issues with them. Mountain Lion seems much more stable.

One word of warning: downgrading from 10.8 to 10.7 may be difficult. I believe that 10.8 installs some new firmware onto the logic board (EFI). This was preventing me from booting from Lion (even after wiping the disk and installing fresh).
Thus Far

I've experienced one kernel panic (MacBook Pro) and several episodes (MacBook Air) of Safari abruptly quitting or not responding to keyboard input without restarting (of Safari).
Been very solid so far. Even more so than Lion's first preview release.

Evernote's crashy, though.
I replaced Lion with it and I've had no issues at all. It's just as stable (if not more so) than Lion. The only issues I've seen are incomplete features that will hopefully be added in DP2.
I have problems with Safari. If I have extensions enabled, then almost every website I try to access will bring up a fail to load screen. Once I disable extensions, problem solved. Other than that, everything has worked fine so far.
Works okay for me. The only thing i have had trouble with is programs coming forward. For instance i have the messages up in front and i click on safari behind it safari does not come to the foreground. Other than that it works really well. Feels snappier.
Is the hated "Versions" gone with ML or at least the ability to turn on a "save as" feature??
There is no Save As in ML, and there are versions so to answer your question - its still there.
There is no save as but the feature is now replicated when you duplicate. The title bar becomes highlighted and you can change the name of the document right there.
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