I have had the 12,15 and 17 powerbooks, I must say the 17 was a pita, and it was always hard to handle....
17 inch rules -- had 15 inch for 5-6 years.. and I am over it...
17 inch is better...
stays cooler
runs faster
longer battery life
and you get a better work out carrying it around.. can truly tighten your quads and calves 11% more than the 15 inch....
and finally she LOVES my 17 inch.. loves IT!!!
Finally! I mean seriously now, how do you pass up a post with a title like this one.
Is 17" too big?
My 17" is on the way and now because of the wait i've had to endured I've considered every aspect, and I'm seriously wondering if 17" is just too big for me...I've had a 15" for 3 years now, so maybe I've just grown accustomed to a 15? Anyone else go through this?
Too big for midgets.
My 17" is on the way and now because of the wait i've had to endured I've considered every aspect, and I'm seriously wondering if 17" is just too big a laptop for me...I've had a 15" for 3 years now, so maybe I've just grown accustomed to a 15? Anyone else go through this?