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A couple MILES with all that? There is no way I'm doing that.

This is what I wonder about buying a Mac Pro at a Apple Store. They're all in malls down here. They should send a couple of Apple Ninjas to help you take it to the car and take care of any trouble that might happen upon you. :D
This is what I wonder about buying a Mac Pro at a Apple Store. They're all in malls down here. They should send a couple of Apple Ninjas to help you take it to the car and take care of any trouble that might happen upon you. :D

+1 on the Apple Ninjas
ask them if you can pick it up in the back of the store. just drive your car around the back. and have them put it in your car.
Man, I hope it's not very heavy. I'm using mine at school and have to walk 4 miles each the snow! Ooops...that was my grandfather's story :)
If for some reason you can't handle it, I'm sure an employee would help you to your car.

When I bought my 13" mb and a printer, the employees asked if I needed help to my car. I am positive they will help you. Carrying both boxes will be difficult due to shape and size. I plan on asking for help when I buy mine in a few months. I would ask my dad for help but he doesn't approve of buying a second computer when it isn't needed. :p
The shop might have their own delivery service ... although you might have to pay extra for that.

Some of those trolley-style suitcases can be taken apart to give you a separate trolley.


Think of a 45-lb weight in the gym... In cardboard-box form. It's nothing.

45lbs may not be that heavy (to some people), but it's also the size and shape of the box and the small handle that makes it more awkward than say a barbell which has a nice long pole in the middle to easily fit both hands.

If Apple are going to be selling bigger and bigger screens and heavier computers, maybe they should look into putting small wheels on the boxes (TM, R, C, Patent Pending ;)).
Planning on buying a 27 inch imac this Monday and was wondering if I should bring a friend along to help me carry the thing out to my car. :) It's probably like a 5 minute walk from the store to the parking lot of the mall.

It's light. Problem is, it's bulky. When I bought my 24", I threw it ontop of a shopping cart and wheeled it out to the car. Much easier. :)
If Apple are going to be selling bigger and bigger screens and heavier computers, maybe they should look into putting small wheels on the boxes (TM, R, C, Patent Pending ;)).

Love the idea! Start a company that makes it and Apple will acquire you for $300 million.

Couldn't see that costing Apple more than 5 bucks to put wheels on the boxes. On a $2,000 computer, 5 bucks is very marginal I'd imagine. Hell, raise the price by $5. No one will care. It'd generate a lot of attention to. What other box has wheels on it. Everyone in the mall would be looking at you and your Mac as you wheel it through the mall. :)
45lbs may not be that heavy (to some people), but it's also the size and shape of the box and the small handle that makes it more awkward than say a barbell which has a nice long pole in the middle to easily fit both hands.
I was referring to a 45lb plate.

Love the idea! Start a company that makes it and Apple will acquire you for $300 million.

Couldn't see that costing Apple more than 5 bucks to put wheels on the boxes. On a $2,000 computer, 5 bucks is very marginal I'd imagine. Hell, raise the price by $5. No one will care. It'd generate a lot of attention to. What other box has wheels on it. Everyone in the mall would be looking at you and your Mac as you wheel it through the mall. :)

Problem: Shipping crates, warehouses, etc.
Its not too bad at all, hardest part is getting it out of the box, its a little clunky due to the size, but once its on the desk, man o man, its a thing of beauty.
Make the wheels designed to pop-out upon removing some kind of a spacer upon arriving at their destination (i.e. Apple Store).

Or design the boxes so that they have little indents in the top for the wheels of the box stacked on top to fit into. :)

Its not too bad at all, hardest part is getting it out of the box, its a little clunky due to the size, but once its on the desk, man o man, its a thing of beauty.

OK, so Apple also redesigns the box so that after lifting the lid the whole front panel folds down, sort of like the side panel of a Mac Pro (TM, R, C, Patent Pending) and you can just slide the iMac / Mac Pro out onto to desk.

Of course, you've got to get the box onto the desk first ... hmmm ... so Apple has redesign the box to add little electric motors that power telescopic legs which raises the box up to a variable desk level (TM, R, C, Patent Pending).

Push the Apple logo on the lid, the box rises to the right height (using a sensor on the front), the lid flips off and the front panel flips down allowing you to slide the computer out. By George I think we ... err, I have got it. (TM, R, C, Patent Pending) ;)

Brilliant. Which could expand to other large boxes.. Televisions, computers, etc.

Yep, and I'll only charge you 50c per box you use my idea on (electric motors and telescopic legs at extra cost). ;)
Planning on buying a 27 inch imac this Monday and was wondering if I should bring a friend along to help me carry the thing out to my car. :) It's probably like a 5 minute walk from the store to the parking lot of the mall.

The real question, will it fit in a Miata with the top closed? (assuming its open to put it in the Miata)
The real question is whether the Miata can fit in the empty space inside the 27" iMac's box, then you can carry both home at once. ;)

Friends at work always joke that my motorcycle (R1200RT which includes a 49l trunk) has more space to carry things than my Miata
that is a great idea use a shopping trolley and as a
precaution for
not getting mugged
look like that
and everything is fine :D

dont get fooled by the looks he carrys 2 imac 27" and a cinema display
do you reckon it'll be possible to bike with the box a couple o miles?
For instance place it on the rear rack with a hand on the box handle and a hand the handlebar for steering/braking etc? Would I take up an entire lane doing that?
do you reckon it'll be possible to bike with the box a couple o miles?
For instance place it on the rear rack with a hand on the box handle and a hand the handlebar for steering/braking etc? Would I take up an entire lane doing that?

Lol not sure, but what if it fell off the bike? Carrying a computer in a box on your bike could be a bit dangerous....
Lol not sure, but what if it fell off the bike? Carrying a computer in a box on your bike could be a bit dangerous....

probably right...
in high school, though, I used to bike around with crates of beer like that - they weighed around 25 kg.
The biking itself was not difficult, but if you'd suddenly to brake.... all your weigh pressed to only one side of the handlebar and you're bound to be manoeuvring pretty good or fall.
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