I would never pay a premium price for a refurbished machine that is 2 years out of date, also 5770 cards are very pants when compared to a newer Nvidia with CUDA. The 2010 refurb still needs extra RAM too. $2119 becomes $2199 if you put a decent slice of RAM in.
At just over $1600 the 08 with the GFX card upgrade and RAM already in it is 30% cheaper. Significant cost savings for better performance. Both are basically secondhand machines at the end of the day.
The 08 has no history of early part failure to my knowledge and my family of working Macs date right back to 1998. My first Mac SE died 20 years after purchase and only the tube in the 9" b&w CRT went then.
These decisions are all relative to your economic situation and personal preference ofc. Significantly, if Octo '08 Mac Pros are worth $1200 now they have only depreciated $800 (40%) in 4 years. Liking it a lot.
How do you figure better performance? Only the GPU if they upgrade the 2008 to an unsupported PC card as you suggested? But same card can be added to 2010.
32-bit Geekbench:
2.8GHz 8-core 3,1: 7685
2.8GHz Quad 5,1: 8839
2010 has faster memory, more robust PCI allotment, etc.
At the end of the day the "2 year" old 2010 is still warranted AND has not been used actively for 4 years.
I am in no way saying a 2008 8-core is slow or a bad computer. Merely that in 2012 it is not a wise investment when you could get newer, warranted, and faster for only a small bump in price. AND you still have upgrade avenues. Like a W3680/W3690 which embarrasses the 2008's as even the fastest at 3.2GHz can't muster a score over 9000. The hex will net you 14000+ in 32 bit.
Not sure why you are so exited at telling someone to buy such an investment except that you own one. I'm not telling someone to buy a 2010 cuz I have one. Only that it presents a better upgrade path moving forward. And will retain it's value just as the 2008 has. No difference.