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I use it constantly as a thesaurus when I'm writing papers
it allows me to repeat words less often and spell check words that I have misspelled so badly that appleworks is unable recognize them
basically I use it to supplement appleworks crappy spell check and very limited word bank.
I use Sherlock for Movies, Phonebook, Dictionary, Translation, TV Schedules, Song Lyrics, MacUpdate Searches, and Weather Forecasts.

So yes.

I also occasionally use the Google channel if I want to search for something while using Sherlock, although I usually do my web searches from Safari because 9 times out of 10, Safari's already running.
Actually, I've never used it. Know what it was, but just never opened it up for some reason. Sounds very useful, though. Oh well. Maybe 10.4 will update it and convince me to give it other click.
Savage Henry said:
Don't hold your breath. I can't think the Apple resources are particulary honed on waking this cumbersome beast. When Apple delivers OSX Frosties-style the changes to Sherlock will be purely cosmetic.
ya it seems as tho apple is quietly killing off Sherlock, they haven't touched or discussed it in forever. Then again, the same could be said for Appleworks.
I use it all the time for eBay, dictionary, thesauras (not using my Mac at the moment, so I KNOW that word's spelt wrong! :p ) and translations. Occasionally look up a movie with it.

Of course, it's pretty US-centric. If there were more tie-ins with European services, I'd use it more.
kenkooler said:
For translations only.

Of course you realize that its results are very poor indeed!? While straighforward words i.e. hour, freight) are sometimes translated correctly, more complicated words or combinations of words (i.e.hour glass, freight train) are almost always translated incorrectly.
I use it regularly for UK Books & UK Music channels. It also used to have a great weather channel but that doesn't work any more.

I used to be a Watson user, but with these Sherlock 3rd-party channels I nowadays never open it.
I have only used it for movie times, but for some reason the cinema closest to me (a five minute walk) doesn't show on their list.

Other than that, I always have a browser open so Google is right there.
ecche said:
Of course you realize that its results are very poor indeed!? While straighforward words i.e. hour, freight) are sometimes translated correctly, more complicated words or combinations of words (i.e.hour glass, freight train) are almost always translated incorrectly.
Well go blame SystranSoft then :p
I only really use the dictionary and translation. The latter is useful to understand what the hell the chinese are talking about in our MSN meetings. It's usually good enough to get the just of it. The russian seems quite good too.

The whole thing needs updating though. With all the research and pushing into web services at the moment, I see it as a useful webservices application once they become more mainstream. Apple even shows sherlock in its web objects pages for web services. The interface really needs updating though....the search field even breaks Apples user interface guidlines amnd sticks out like a sore thumb. Surely it should be changed to a text field with rounded corners. To be truely useful for me, the movies and phone book need to be localised. I can use the phone boiok to look up my american friends numbers but then i already know them so that would be pointless ;)
Yes, for dictionary and translation services (Spanish) - though my friend's in Spain make fun of my translations, so I make sure to blame it on the service. I find the dictionary very useful - nice thesaurus service and very complete definitions.

I would agree that the rest of the app is kind of cumbersome. I Google my searches for many of the other services offered (internet, yellowpages, travel and even Applecare) while using Safari. Now iTunes carries movie previews or trailers (I don't have network/cable TV to help me find out what's in the theaters). I use an online ticketing service to check for movies in my small town(s) along the coast because Sherlock doesn't find theaters within a 50 mile radius (though there are 4 listed by Fandango)
Movies, translations, and maps. When I'm looking for something on ebay, sherlock is easier to use than the ebay site.
Okay, maybe somebody can help me and tell me what sherlock is actually for?

I took a quick look at it, and it seemed like it wanted to push a lot of news to me that I could get easier elsewhere, and any of the features like movies were US based only.

Is there any reason why somebody based outside of the US would want to use it instead of just going to google directly?
I do use Watson occasionally... and since all Sherlock is is a poor, crippled Watson ripoff, there's no real need to use Sherlock.

I use it quite a bit to check movie times, ebay listings and the dictionary is really handy. The best feature allows you to track flights. I use it to check flight schedules and arrival times. I think that is the best feature on Sherlock.
Counterfit said:
Well go blame SystranSoft then :p

Not really! I think I should blame Apple for using something as silly as this SystranSoft rubbish in one of their products. It's like a Porsche car with Lada parts. Want one?
ecche said:
Not really! I think I should blame Apple for using something as silly as this SystranSoft rubbish in one of their products. It's like a Porsche car with Lada parts. Want one?

Can you recommend a better translation service?
Integrate Purchasing

If Apple could safely/securely integrate One-click purchasing for movie tickets and/or airline ticket purchasing, and maybe add concert tickets then I would definitely use it a lot more.

As it is right now I can get the same thing from a newspaper (movies) or specific airline web pages or even travel agencies (flights).

Concert tickets may eventually be added to the iTunes Music Store, but still I'd like to see something like purchasing options via Sherlock (it's pretty obvious the first time you find a movie listing you wish you could just buy a ticket right then).

Or maybe have a button to send the movie/flight info to iCal?

Sherlock goes pretty far and just abruptly stops.

Perhaps "Sherlock" will eventually be folded into a new Safari? Who knows, Apple never reveals future plans and leaves its customers twisting in the wind time and time again or lamenting a great idea that was killed or left to die (Ink anyone?).
applemacdude said:
Where is the translation feature in Sherlock? click on the button marked "Translation" in the row of icons at the top. And then you get two boxes, for in and out, and a combo box to choose the languages from. See:

It works, albeit not perfectly.... ;)


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