Back a few years ago I'd buy an iPhone, I'd buy an iPad, and I'd even buy MacBook despite mostly using a Windows Laptop. However it seems like the base prices have doubled since then, you'd used to pay £500, but now £1000+ is the new norm, while MacBooks have increased in price by crazy amounts too! I mean I'm not going to pay £2000 for a MacBook which has such poor specs that I need to spend another grand to upgrade it... since everything is soldered to the board now.
All this has made me do is not upgrade, I'm not going to upgrade my 2015 iPad 12.9, I'm not going to pay £90+ a month for an iPhone on contract if I want a usable amount of data. I'm not going to ever buy a MacBook again, I mean not only are the new keyboards crap, if everything is soldered to the board.... I'm just not willing to shell out more upfront.
Meanwhile I bought a 1060 6GB, 16GB DDR4, Intel 8300 quad core (better than the 7700) and it has two removable drives, two removable ram slots and a removable PCIe slot for storage. I got that for £650, a Windows Laptop that I'm using my VR headset with and it has enough cooling that it doesn't throttle. I just find the MacBook gap ever increasing, not only are the specs underwhelming these days, but the prices have skyrocketed.
I went from upgrading every year, to upgrading every couple years, to not upgrading at all. I know I'm not alone as my work friends are all buying Android now because the new iPhones are too expensive. I think everyone has that new Mate 20 Pro thing now, frigging one of them got the Note 9 at half the price of the iPhone XS on contract.
I think this is where I depart with Apple, I just don't like the direction they're going in. Plus Face Id sucks and they seem intent on using that only, which sucks for me as an Apple Pay user. Any frigging Motorcyclist will know how annoying it is, I just end up never using my Phone now, before I could just take off a glove, taking off your helmet is so annoying and you have to work out where you can place it down.