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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 18, 2006
I already have the following...

Powermac G5 2.0 Rev A (work)
Powermac G5 2.3 (home)
Powerbook G4 1.33 (work)

And I was planning on buying a Macbook. I went to the Apple store to purchase one but they said it was like $300 to upgrade RAM in the store to 1GB. What a ripoff, so I will just buy online. So then on the way back to the office I started thinking, this will put me at 4 Macs, although work bought me 2 of them. I can't be the only crazy person out there with 4 Mac's, or am I?

I thought the white one looked better than the black. I thought the black looked to PCish. The screen did look really good, the colors were definitely more striking than on the MBP. There was some glare but I forgot about it when I started playing around on it. This Apple store is really bright too. It's definitely more snappy than my current Powerbook G4.
tsmithgolf2000 said:
I already have the following...

Powermac G5 2.0 Rev A (work)
Powermac G5 2.3 (home)
Powerbook G4 1.33 (work)

And I was planning on buying a Macbook. I went to the Apple store to purchase one but they said it was like $300 to upgrade RAM in the store to 1GB. What a ripoff, so I will just buy online. So then on the way back to the office I started thinking, this will put me at 4 MAC's, although work bought me 2 of them. I can't be the only crazy person out there with 4 MAC's, or am I?

I thought the white one looked better than the black. I thought the black looked to PCish. The screen did look really good, the colors were definitely more striking than on the MBP. There was some glare but I forgot about it when I started playing around on it. This Apple store is really bright too. It's definitely more snappy than my current Powerbook G4.

Is it more expensive to add RAM in the store? Why?
I really want 1gb of RAM, but $300, I could put 2gb of RAM buying from another RAM seller.
Another question, can I buy additional RAM from BestBuy or CompUSA for a MacBook?
I have and use, at least a few times a week if not daily:
  1. Rev A dual-2.0 PowerMac
  2. 17" intelliMac
  3. mini core duo
  4. 12" PB
  5. 15" MBP (via work)
There's a G3 "Lombard" PB in the basement (still dry, thankfully) which is used on occasion, and the 800MHz 17" iMac G4 I gave to my parents.

Edit: it's "Mac", BTW.
Ohhhh, YES!!!! In spades! My very first Mac was the G5 Rev B iMac I bought last October. Then I just HAD to have a Powerbook, as since I didn't want to wrestle any more with Windows at home, I sure as heck wouldn't while traveling! Then one day I started fooling around in iTunes, never having explored it before. Yup, that triggered a return to the Apple store, this time for a 60 GB iPod. Then I decided I just HAD to have a Nano for using with my Roadtrip device in the car, as the smaller size made it easier to stash in my purse....

Off to MacWorld in January. Yeah, I'd say that by this time addiction had fully set in! Lusted over the new intel iMacs and the MBPs, but reminded myself that my own two Macs were still pretty new and of course there would be problems with the first-generation intel machines anyway.... Managed to stave off the lust for a while, but in the back of my mind, that MBP tickled every now and then....

So this week they announce and put out the new MacBooks. Of course I had to go take a look, didn't I? And, oh, gee, the heat and whine problems with the MBPs had been resolved and there was even a speed bump, making one even more an object of desire...

So, yeah. Mac Number three (a shiny new maxed-out MBP), computer number 7 :eek: has taken up residence in this household. I'll eventually be finding a new home for my PB, of course, to recoup some of the money I just spent, and one of these days I really WILL get around to cleaning out the old PCs so that I can get rid of them!

Ah, but the lust hasn't been fully satiated yet. Still dreaming of a PM and nice big monitor to dedicate to digital imaging projects....

Addicted to Mac much? Whyever would anyone think that! :D

Between Apple and Nikon, always somewhere to drop my money!
Yeah, I think a lot of people around here are feeling like a Mac (not MAC) addict. My current count is floating between 70 and 80 systems but I'm not exactly sure of the number. I would guess its around 73-75.

Out of those 75 or so systems, these are what I use on a daily basis:

Power Macintosh G4 AGP/350 (Sonnet G4 1.8ghz)
--- Mac OS X 10.4.6

Power Macintosh 8600/200
--- Mac OS 7.6.1

PowerBook 1400c/133
--- Mac OS 7.6.1

iMac 350 (Indigo)
--- Mac OS X 10.4.6

Power Macintosh 8100/100 (Sonnet G3 240mhz)
--- Mac OS 7.6.1 (Server)

Yes I am a full blown addict here's the list of mac's I've been thorugh since my first Mac this time 3 years ago...

-iBook G3 933mhz (last one before G4)
-Powermac G4 Yikes PCI Graphics
-eMac 800mhz
-Mac Mini G4
-iMac G5 1.8ghz Rev.B
-iBook G4 (Last ever rev)

and now all have been sold or will be to make room for my 1.83ghz MacBook as I only like having one computer for all my needs.

I edited the thread title to read "Mac", which I'm sure was the original intention of the thread author.
2 years ago, when i was off to college and my dad was gonna buy me a laptop, it took me days convincing him to get me an iBook. I just wanted it cause it looked cool and he kept warning me that no apps will run on it. I became a mac addict the second I turned on that iBook. I just bought the MacBook and i'm also extremely happy with it. I have become obsessed with apple and have converted probably around 10 people to Mac owners. Apple for life!
tsmithgolf2000 said:
I went to the Apple store to purchase one but they said it was like $300 to upgrade RAM in the store to 1GB. What a ripoff ...
Anyone else confirm this? It's only $100 to upgrade to 1GB on the online store. It actually makes it worthwhile if you're just going for 2x512MB rather than order and wait from 3rd party sellers.

So why would it be 3x more in the store itself?

Anyway, I have only one Mac, a Core Duo iMac, that I've had since February, but I've been waiting for the MacBooks so I could order one. It's for the wife, honest.
jsw said:
I edited the thread title to read "Mac", which I'm sure was the original intention of the thread author.

Sorry if that sounded short. I don't know why people spelling Mac "MAC" is such a peeve to me. I'm sure I responded to at least 10 threads with "MAC" in the title just to point this out. Mac is not an acronym, it doesn't stand for anything! :eek:
I would never use anything but a mac! So far in my 23 years I've owned (or was owned by my parents):

1.Performa (can't recall the was my dad's computer)
2. A Quadra 6600 (I think that was the number)
3. A very very old Powerbook (I think it was running OS 7 or 8 if that's any indication)
4. The original imac (it was actually my parents, but you wouldn't know it by how much I hogged it.)
5. a dual 450mhz G4 tower (My first editing system!)
6.a 20" imac G5
and now in just a couple more short days....
7. A 2ghz BTO White Macbook

And this time next year I'll be adding whatever the newest version of the Power Mac is (along with a 23" display) as my superior editing machine!!! MUHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! :D
HHmmmm, let me think:

IICi (work)
IISi (work-Like New- The department was going to toss it because they couldn't find a monitor that would plug into it. It sat in a drawer for 5 years)
Centris 610 (work)
Power Macintosh 6100 (only one I bought & paid for)
Power Macintosh 7200 (throw away - needed OS reinstalled)
Power Macintosh 7500 (throw away - needed OS reinstalled)
Power Macintosh 8100 (throw away - used for parts)
Power Macintosh 8500 (work 11 years old and still running)
2-Power Macintosh 9500 (throw away - 1-used for parts for the other)
2-iMac DV Special Edition (throw away - needed OS reinstalled & hard drive)
G3 PowerBook 500 (work - handed down to wife - still used everyday)
G4 400 Tower (work hand-me-down - still in use)
G4 15" PowerBook 400 (work hand-me-down still works - needs battery)
eMac 1.25 (Donation from Doctor who just doesn't like computers - Main Desktop)
G4 12" PowerBook 867 (work hand-me-down - used daily for all kinds of stuff)

And that's just the Macs...
Hello, my name is Jim and i have been an addict now for quite some time...

Ever since i first fondled the keys on my 15" Titanium PB G4....

Ahhhh... the memories....

havent been able to kick the addiction since! :D
<stands up>
Hi, my name is Antny and I am a mac addict...

G4 Cube (R.I.P) <tears fall>
15" PB G4 w/ HD screen
15" PB G4
iPod Nano
iPod Mini
3G iPod
Mighty Mouse

and soon to mac mini (on the next speed bump that is)
:raises hand:

i went through changing up 3 different macs in a year once it went
g4 500--> 1.25 g4 mini ---> 20" iMac g5

then i went from
g4 1.42 ibook ---> g4 1.5 Powerbook which i absolutly love
then for work i picked up a 2.0 MBP 15" which is great.. but now im torn with the new MacBooks look very appealing esp a 2.0 dual core in such a small package... then again i remeber how plasticy the ibook felt one of the cons i used to decide to sell and get a used 12" Powerbook.... and i dont wanna get rid of my 12" Powerbook i like it alot its perfect for size and portability.. Kinda wish they would come out with a Aluminum 13.3 Mac Book Pro Jr.

Then dont get me started on ipods heres the time line
5gig 1rst gen--> 15 gig 3rd gen --->20gig 4th gen---> 40 gig 4th gen---> 30 gig photo 4th gen all of those have been trade and sold off now currently i own 1gb shuffe, 60 gig video, 4 & 1 gig nano's
I typically replace my Mac every 3-4 years... currently using a 1.5GHz G4 PowerBook at home, and a 20" 1.8GHz G5 iMac at work.

I'm sure if I had the money I'd have at least 3 Macs in the house right now though. :D
joshwest said:
Then dont get me started on ipods heres the time line
5gig 1rst gen--> 15 gig 3rd gen --->20gig 4th gen---> 40 gig 4th gen---> 30 gig photo 4th gen all of those have been trade and sold off now currently i own 1gb shuffe, 60 gig video, 4 & 1 gig nano's

Hehe... for iPods I went from 5gig 1st generation to a 1gig Shuffle that I bought a few months ago. Some people would see that as a downgrade, but I see it as an upgrade since I use the Shuffle MUCH more than I did the old iPod, due to it being so much smaller.
I sported the original iPod back in the day Gen 1, but then i went to the 4 button above, glowing red buttoned iPod and then finally to my sleekly black 60 gb.
With the 3 iPods i also have...

PowerMac 5260 - (pretty sweet)
iBook 300 mhz - (also pretty sweet)
Newton - (doesn't run : (
iMac 500 mhz, slot loading- oh and its PURPLE!
and my PB 1.67 ghz (FINALLY, i moved to GHZ)

Macs Macs Macs Macs...
I will be one of the worst. In my 15 year life, i have had 18 different mac products!!! 4 ipods, 3 g3 imacs, g3 powermac, 2 g4 powermacs, g4 cube, 2 ibooks, 2 powerbooks and 3 old powermacs of variing models like the 5500.
As posted in a different thread, here is a picture of SOME of me and my dad's old ones:


  • DCP_2119.jpg
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®îçhå®? said:
As posted in a different thread, here is a picture of SOME of me and my dad's old ones:

Oh puh-leeze... this was just one delivery on one occasion :D :


  • pic1.jpg
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Absolutely an addict. I have 5 macs (6 if you count my 128k original Mac) and I regret having gotten rid of my Performa 6200.
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