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It's also possible to play an entire round of golf with only a putter. You just have to accept that it may not be the best possible experience.

Battery life is better, and there seem to be less crashes and bugs, but IMO, it's still not a DD candidate - at least in my case. There are stiill a lot of issues to be fixed and many apps won't launch or run properly with iOS 9 beta 2.

Go for it if that's your bend, but I'm still running it only on a test device. YMMV.

Which apps are you having issues with mostly?
However iBooks crashes if we use the normal way to start it up.
I wonder if we can in fact use many apps with slightly different start up method? Just like what we do using Xcode on el capitan.

I think you may have quoted the wrong person my friend!

Also - I am having no issues with iBooks on my iP6 on b2 just fyi.
been using it as my daily driver (beta 2) since it came out, only encountered a couple of bugs:
  • Messages: the text box flashes gray briefly when you tap on a message thread.
  • Instagram: trimming video doesn't work properly, black screen
  • Twitter: switching tabs require a hold and press, instead of a tap
  • amrc: crashes after about 10 min of browsing.
These are all minor, so I am incredibly impressed by how stable everything is. My battery is great.
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