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macrumors 6502
Jan 28, 2002
Northern California
It's unfair to say that Apple steals.

Hmm, from what I have read Jobs "let" Xerox buy 1,000,000 shares of Apple Computer stock - in exchange for letting Steve and several of his engineers come down to PARC, look at anything they want.
All/most code was written at Apple. Desktop metaphor, true overlapping windows(instead of hard coding as apparently PARC had done) trash can, were Apple innventions orignally intended for the Lisa.

Also, i believe early contract(s) with M$ gave them _rights_ to the GUI "in perpituity" basically in exchange for them to keep writing software for the mac. I remember being at Apple the day they lost the suit...not great..:mad:

sources: Insanely Great - The history of the mac and Fumbling the Future - The story of how Xerox invented the first PC and blew it off...a good read...


macrumors 601
Jan 13, 2002
secret city
Re: It's unfair to say that Apple steals.

Originally posted by maclamb
Hmm, from what I have read Jobs "let" Xerox buy 1,000,000 shares of Apple Computer stock - in exchange for letting Steve and several of his engineers come down to PARC, look at anything they want.
All/most code was written at Apple. Desktop metaphor, true overlapping windows(instead of hard coding as apparently PARC had done) trash can, were Apple innventions orignally intended for the Lisa.

Also, i believe early contract(s) with M$ gave them _rights_ to the GUI "in perpituity" basically in exchange for them to keep writing software for the mac. I remember being at Apple the day they lost the suit...not great..:mad:

sources: Insanely Great - The history of the mac and Fumbling the Future - The story of how Xerox invented the first PC and blew it off...a good read...

*krossfyter peers across the room and stares at his kitty cat and says "You and I are like these two guys, who's big brother is Xerox...who leave the door wide open. You go in there and steal a T.V. set, only when you get there you realize that I was there first....I GOT THE LOOT STEVE!!!!*


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by Ensign Paris
look at his hair cut!

Just another guy who thinks "my hair cut is modern and stylish" but alas it´s only a Harry-Potter-rip-off LOL :D


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2001
Santa Cruz Ca
Christian Rhetoric

I can't take the Bible seriously. Particularly not the Prophecies. Any text that's been edited, translated, politic-spun and re-transtated that many times can't come close to accuracy.

Interpreting the Bible with any seriousness requires analyzing it's origins in the Tora and finding the texts from accounts that were left out, compiling a complete study on Mideast history and back-translating New testiment passages through 1700 years of typos, politics and Catholic manipulation of the text. It'd be a bit like trying to make sense of Windows.

If you want real disturbing stuff, try the Israeli study (on Macs mind you) running the whole of the Tora through a program that recompiles it in it's numeric code value and runs it as a program using the rules of numerology.


macrumors 68030
this explains everything.... :D



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