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Since I don't use the cloud much because I travel a lot to locations with little or no WiFi access, I'll be sticking with FileBrowser and GoodReader. Both are very nice, feature-rich applications.
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You need to use an app to create a local directory first. Once that’s done you’ll get a “On My iDevice” option on the left side and you can freely create folders and move things around after that. I attached a photo showing it.

I have created a folder with FileMaster app, but I the “on my devicd” option wouldnt pop on Files.

Could you please post the app you used to create that folder? Thanks!
Files supports both cloud services and apps' files stored on device, but generally it's up to any of those providers to support file sharing using it. So, you know – give it a few seconds.
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Well, I want to be able to delete all the import folders that Photos creates when I import files from SD cards. Deleting 10-20K photos with the select/swipe/delete method is the pits. If I'm at home, I can plug the thing into my Win desktop and deleted the contents of each import folder (but not the folders themselves). It's tedious, but not nearly as tedious as deleting on the iPad itself.

Looks like the file manager thing is not all it's cracked up to be, at least not for me.
GoodReader is more of a files app then whatever the hell apple created ever could be. in goodreader you can store and upload files, create complex directories. open many file types right in the manager. its so much better. I thought apples file manager would replace GoodReader for me. no way in a million years could it replace it. apples file manager sucks so bad.

Well, not sure about goodreader, but you can do all that in Files too. You can store and upload files, create complex directories, open many file types directly in Files (all picture formats, most movie formats, zip files, it even previews all files if there is a correct app installed, just like on a Mac) or launch an external app if it's not supported by tapping on a file ...
Only some apps will create a root folder in the ‘on my device’ Section it seems. The usual apple apps, and I found LiquidText does as well.
I use Documents - it doesn’t show up in the ‘on my device’ section, but at least it’s a generic name that doesn’t confuse me :) I keep losing my weird docs if I’m put them all under “Pages” lol.
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