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Um, the iPad would be a big hit of course, but perhaps starting her on a mood-flattener, 150-200mg of Seroquel before bed would be more effective at relieving the symptoms of her illness.
She obviously needs two iPads!


Seriously if she doesn't have a bad history with computers, why would the iPad be a bad thing? Everyone I've shown the iPad to seems to think it would serve them well 90% of the time. Not sure I would call it "magical" but it's good. :D
Don't worry about it...

LIFE interferes...

Stephen Fry has Bipolar and is a huge Apple fanboy and was at the keynote address for the iPad.
He is a technology reporter... and has an iPad app:

Don't tip toe around her... creating a stigma is worse than the disease. Manic-Depressive is the old term... Bipolar Disorder is the new term. Getting depressed people engaged and interested is very good for them. GO FOR IT!
My thoughts....

I had to throw in my two cents and unless she experiences heavy psychosis during her manic phase I highly doubt that she is taking Haloperidol or a similar medication. If she is experiencing extreme psychosis there are much better antipsychotic medications (specifically atypical antipsychotic medications) that have less negative side effects than Haloperidol. They also have a decreased likelihood of causing extra pyramidal defects (i.e., loss of motor control). So unless she is on Haloperidol, I'm not sure that she is currently experiencing a loss of motor coordination.

If I was her therapist, I would simply ask something like this....

Has your sister in the past became upset and/or acted out in an aggressive manner while using computer devices?

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If she has never had a problem using a computer, I wonder what makes you think that an Ipad could cause a problem. Originally, you asked if the Ipad is good for someone who is manic depressive, but I think your actual question is....Is a person with bipolar disorder likely to break an Ipad? If you are going to give the Ipad as a gift, you are not entitled to wonder how it will be used and if it will be broken in a week (think of christmas for a child). Oh, and why not just ask her what she thinks about the Ipad and whether or not she would be interested in owning one?

Being in mental health care field I appreciate your determination and devotion to your sister. I have worked with individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I know the difficulty associated with this disorder and the trying times the disorder places on the individual and the family members.
That term "Bi-polar" makes me cringe.

It makes sense as a description of the polarity of mood swings (highs and lows)

However, people seem to apply this term to everything these days, from alcoholism to general flakiness.

Enough already.

'Manic depressive' was probably fine, I didn't see the need to change it.

That PC argument is correct IMHO.
rdowns said:
After looking at all the threads you've started here the past few days, I'd say you're the manic depressive one.

Truer words have never been spoken and you are a mind reader! I think the op specializes in thread creation! ;)
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