Design is more than looks. I have an I7 sitting on my desk, and I like the way it looks, but no more than I liked the 24" iMac I sold to buy this one.
There are some aspects of the "design" (non-looks) that I don't like:
1. Getting rid of the firewire 400 port
That's a maybe. I have a lot of FW400 gear, but the world is moving on. I'll just use a 400-800 plug. What's worse, is that there's only ONE FW800 port - I'd prefer if there were 2 (or even 3!). As is, I had to buy a very expensive FW hub (and yes, I am aware of daisy chaining, but for some things you don't want to do that).
2. Putting in an SD slot instead of some more universal slot that accepts a few more sizes. Such a "slot" could have been placed on the other side of the case or even under the screen.
Agreed. It's a scandal that it doesn't read CF cards. That's just lame.
3. Same old slow as molasses unSuperDrive
4. smaller, less prominent power switch
5. still no ability to change the size of screen fonts without lowering resolution
Not a "design" issue with the 27 iMac specifically. It's an OS X issue, though it's more dire when you have a large screen like the 27". But yes, resolution independence would be nice, and it's a bit of a scandal that after it being rumored about since Tiger, here we are in SL and still don't have it. Lame.
6. no acceptance of the concept that many pages are vertical, not horizontal, and that writers like vertical pages.
I understand what you are saying - which is why I have a 1600x1200 monitor hooked up to my mini. I had to pay extra for this monitor, and it's harder to find (even a Dell!), because it has more pixels per panel - all you see nowadays are the obnoxious "wide but skinny" monitors. For writing it's bleh. Some try to solve this problem by being able to tilt from horizontal to vertical (like mine can), but then OS X can't handle that. Lame. However, with the 27" I'm not sure your complaint is valid, simply because at a certain size, the aspect ratio stops mattering - after all, you have enough height to comfortably fit a page of text without scrolling... what difference does it make that you also have a ton of (perhaps) unused side space... and that way you can put pages next to each other thanks to the width. So this complaint while generally valid, is no longer relevant at sizes of 27" and above, IMHO.