A little snappier here - that's on a cloned Big Sur system, apps, everything to an independent start-up volume via CCC (my usual practice for testing new betas). Somewhat surprisingly, all the apps, audio drivers, PCIe etc continue to work well; at most there was the odd beta here and there to update, eg SoftRaid. On the other hand, Monterey seems rather underwhelming, mostly eye-candy and a great deal of emphasis on ramping up the 'walled garden' across other Apple devices (which I do not use or am interested in - eg, ZenBook laptop, Z-Flip phone etc).
Still, this studio seems to continue to function well under Monterey. I was hoping for a few more 'pro' tweaks under the hood, eg: Aggregate audio reliability & performance; bluetooth ditto; the previously rumoured macOS 'pro mode' etc. All of this seems exactly the same as before, but who knows yet. Only a beta 1.