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macrumors 68040
Jun 14, 2006
B&O A8s all the way! First week or so, they feel a bit odd, but they really grip your ear like a clamp to a workbench once you get used to them. The sound is IMO second to none under £150 too...

Oh yeah, they're £90 at my local B&O dealer:



macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2003
With any shure product, they do a GREAT job of blocking out noise. Someone else mentioned on this forum that they missed the alarm clock because they were still in from the night before, and I've had the same thing happen. They isolate pretty much any (not super loud) noise.

I was working in a library and missed the fire alarm while listening to my E3Cs. :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2005
I listened to my trusted MR helpers, and decided to opt for the Shure E2Cs as my good quality headphones. I bought them from the apple store in regents street. I am disappointed to say that although the sound quality is great, they are really difficult to put on. I am only 15 so my ears are not fully grown, but a recommender of the headphones was only only 13. I have tried all three covers; small, big and rubber. Each time I put on my headphones (as shown in the included booklet, it takes over a minute. I tried from the front and back, like said in the booklet. Do others have this problem, and does it go away?

Is there any chance that I could return them to the apple store if it remains awkward?

I have a feeling that 13 year old is me. I use the medium clear ones (I think), but I would recommend the small black ones. They are the softest and should fit in nicely.

Ewps never mind. The first night I had my pair I couldn't fit them in properly for the first bit because I didn't know the main bit with the speaker was supposed to press against your ear.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2005
Chicago, IL
I recently switched from the medium clear covers that I had been using forever, to the gray ones that come with the e3c. MUCH more comfortable. Anyone else think so?


macrumors 604
Dec 29, 2006
dallas, texas
i agree, they grey covers....

after my 4th pair of shure's-iThink i have a secret
1. READ THE WARRANTY AND RETURN POLICY OF THE STORE-most have a 30 day, the apple store for example, if you buy online buy from a certified seller (if you need a recommendation i have an eBay seller that will match any price you can find or beat it and give you the 30 day no questions returned PM ME FOR THE SELLER)THE BEST THING ABOUT AUTHORIZED SELLER'S 2 YEARS OF FULL WARRANTY-this is a key thing, especially for the E2's which are known to have wires go out with shortages and wat not....anyway most store's will allow you to return them opened within 30 days...but this is key

2. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS...we arent that smart, the over the ear method is the only one that works, up until idn? 8months of wearing you can kinda get away w/o it

3. START WITH THE SPONGY/SOFT BUDS, yes they are nasty, but it takes a while for most peoples ears to adjust, they are a little nasty after a week or two, but they are the easiest way to get used to them.

4. SWITCH TO THE MOST COMFORTABLE COVER, after you get to the point of being able to put them on in your sleep and easily finding out these are the best headphones you have ever owned, switch to one of the harder ones, or buy some replacement foam ones. all of the covers get nasty so if you care about that it might be worth it to buy a replacement set ($8-15 US)

btw...i have owned: e2c, e3g, e4, e5



macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2006
I was at BWI today and had the chance to demo the E3C's and have to say I was not impressed at all. The salesman had these spongy yellow covers on them that where gross looking so I had him first put some new ones on, I popped out my iPod and cranked up some Panic at the Disco, Smashing Pumpkins, & then some Snoop and compared to my Koss's I did not see how they could be worth $179.99.

I'm no audiophile but has anyone had a similar experience?


macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2005
I have some, and they just feel so weird in my ear and the fact that I cant hear anything as soon as I stick them in my ears makes me feel nervous. Ive used them once(thank god i only paid half price for them) or it would be a real waste of money.

I will try them again when school starts and I will need to block my classmates out in the studio, the motivation will be higer to deal with the lack of comfort.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2005
Chicago, IL
I was at BWI today and had the chance to demo the E3C's and have to say I was not impressed at all. The salesman had these spongy yellow covers on them that where gross looking so I had him first put some new ones on, I popped out my iPod and cranked up some Panic at the Disco, Smashing Pumpkins, & then some Snoop and compared to my Koss's I did not see how they could be worth $179.99.

I'm no audiophile but has anyone had a similar experience?

Having the EXACT fitting (to your ears) earbuds is crucial with these headphones. My buddy used my covers in his ears, complained of tinny sound, lack of bass, etc.. and I switched to the larger buds...they fit much better on him, and he was much more impressed.

So, you may have a different ear type which requires a different bud from what you had. Either that or you really can't tell the difference (which could be a GOOD thing for some people :) )
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