Hi everybody.
I too have been using Macs for a long time ( since '85 ) and I feel like I should be quoting a lot of what people have already said in this thread, but I'll try to add something, here goes: I think that Lion is the sorriest update to the OS ever, even worse than 7.5.1! . If Apple continues with the next version ( sub-version ) i.e. 10.8 this trend that started with 10.7 then I will have to look to alternatives. Apple shouldn't tread away from its OS. After all it is the OS that propelled it to where it stands. At least it should split up into two companies, one for computers and OS's and one for gadgets and iOS.
I too have been using Macs for a long time ( since '85 ) and I feel like I should be quoting a lot of what people have already said in this thread, but I'll try to add something, here goes: I think that Lion is the sorriest update to the OS ever, even worse than 7.5.1! . If Apple continues with the next version ( sub-version ) i.e. 10.8 this trend that started with 10.7 then I will have to look to alternatives. Apple shouldn't tread away from its OS. After all it is the OS that propelled it to where it stands. At least it should split up into two companies, one for computers and OS's and one for gadgets and iOS.