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But until it causes me, personally, a problem I'm not too concerned.

That's a pretty naive approach. Just because something hasn't affected you doesn't mean it's not something you should be concerned about. You instead should say "until it causes more than 50 or the six billion people in the world a problem, I'm not too concerned" :p
thats true 100 percent when we look at absolute numbers

im not sure how true it is when we look at relative proportion of users. if u have an opinion on this, please use solid data to convince me... :)

Just absolute numbers, but when you are running a business of selling time on zombie PCs -- all you care about are numbers.

I'm quite sure Mac users can be just as dumb as PC users when it comes to click for a free Viagra sample just download our survey.
You spend a lot of time here defending Windows. However, thousands of new Windows users have found their machines infected with various and sundry viruses and malware within seconds of going online for the first time. To claim or even to imply that the security problems of Windows are due mainly to "stupid users" is an insult to the intelligence of all of us who know better.

it probably means their NETWORK was unsecure. either that or they must have been on illicit websites, or clicked on "YES" to claim their million dollar prize they've just won, or clicked "HERE" to order their Russian made brides...yah.

one has to be really quite dumb to adulterate a machine. i'm talking about the people who pulls their hair out looking to press "any" key, puts their coffee cups on disc tray. it just so happens that there are a high number of these people.

those are the important numbers Im indeed interested to know, any source or links?

Its not 90%, its only 71% but I do have a source. The some is a total guess though, I really don't know how many don't work on Vista.

it probably means their NETWORK was unsecure. either that or they must have been on illicit websites, or clicked on "YES" to claim their million dollar prize they've just won, or clicked "HERE" to order their Russian made brides...yah.

These threats mostly don't exist for Macs though.
1. protecting "stupid users" is the exactly same tough job for windows. to a lesser extend. linux, as well. there is no excuse here

2. again, its about comparison. 2 min is obviously misleading. but ppl has time to prepare for vista as well, and ubuntu

3. why is that so hard to accept hacker's own word that he targetted mac because "it was easiest for him"? he is the hacker. why somebody who aren't capable writing codes would think they know better than hacker himself?

1. I probably shouldn't have used the term "stupid user" (i.e. this came up it later posts), but it was late, and I was tired, so being "PC" wasn't on the top of my list. Whatever the case, how far should "due diligence" extend? All three OS's have some protection mechanisms that warn you if your about to due something that could be far reaching (i.e. elevation of privileges)... so how much further do they have to go to protect the user? My point here is simple... if you are about do something you probably shouldn't and a big dialog box comes up and says "hey, maybe you shouldn't do this", but they do it anyway, how is the manufacturer at fault? The only "solution" to this problem is just to prevent the user from ever doing it at all, but I suspect there would be a much larger uproar to this then the latter :p

2. Your right, they did, but to the average person hearing the message "Mac was hacked in 2 minutes", being informed of the "extra" details goes a long way. To that point a number of comments were made after the conference stating that Vista exploits had been prepared beforehand, but that they didn't take into account SP1 being installed (nor the fact the most people didn't "care" about Linux). Whatever the case I'm not trying to defend Mac any more then Windows or Linux... I just think they were trying to sensationalize the results by withholding/misrepresenting all the information.

3. Not sure if this is intentionally directed towards me or not, but it is probably unwise to make such far reaching assumptions. I'm sure he had his reasons for targeting the Mac... perhaps it was for notoriety, i.e. would the headline "someone hacks windows" really be headline worthy... or perhaps it was the "easiest", I don't claim to speak for the participants involved, so I could care less either way.

Anyway, I stand my my original statement that I'll withhold judgement until the details of this exploit are released to the public.
Honestly, I really dont care if the Mac got cracked first. Have I ever have a problem with security on my Mac? No. Thats all I care about
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