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no, it's not. I can get everything, e-mail, 150 MB of storage, only excluding virus protection and poastcards for $55. Their ripping you off. Don't do it.
.mac is definitely worth the $100. Personally, I think the best feature of .mac is the automated backup. You never have to think about it, but once a day (or however often you like) the folder(s) you specify will automatically be backed up. This is awesome for laptop users like myself who rarely have an external HD connected (and would forget to back up even if I did). Granted, with the 100MB on .mac, you can't back up much, but it's certainly enough for some vital folders (e.g., I'm involved in scientific research, so I use it to automatically backup my folder of experimental data once a day). If you're not going to use backup on .mac, then I think the usefulness of the account will depend on how often you would use your iDisk. For me, I'd still have it because I use a little of my .mac disk space for pieces of my website. I find using iDisk preferable to firing up an FTP client and connecting to my host (even if iDisk is slower than it should be).
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