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Well, Apple actually has an iDisk application for the iPhone that you can download from the AppStore. iPad users just want a higher resolution possibly more features version.

What do you plan on storing on the cloud? Remember, not only do you have to think about availability, but also about whether you can open them.

Not yet having either a Mobile Me account nor an iPad leaves me in a reluctant position. I thought that I read that you can get a $30 reduction on MM if you buy with an iPad - but if it is no good, there is no point. I hope to be in a position to buy this weekend, volcano permitting.
Not yet having either a Mobile Me account nor an iPad leaves me in a reluctant position. I thought that I read that you can get a $30 reduction on MM if you buy with an iPad - but if it is no good, there is no point. I hope to be in a position to buy this weekend, volcano permitting.

Not sure if this offer is limited to a region or subset of customers, but I signed up for a 60 day free trial of mobile me about a week ago. I think the offer appeared when I was setting up the iPad in iTunes after a restore.
I have had mobile me for exactly one year now. I mainly use it to sync my iPhone Macbook(s) etc.

I concur with the hopes for the server farm in NC... I would like a (cheaper) mobile me lite... just sync calendars, addresses, and (say) notes. That is all I need at the moment.
I think that's why Apple is building that gigantic server farm in North Carolina. Once that is up and running it will become the Apple Universe and we'll see all kinds of Cloud stuff and more. It only makes sense for Apple to do that. I just hope the subscription price doesn't go up then. At $99 a year (cheaper thru Amazon) it's certainly a cash cow for them. It just takes Apple so dang loooooooooooooong to do everything!
I went ahead and got MM now even though it's not fully functional for me, just so I could go ahead and get the email name I wanted.
I think MM is gonna be a BIG, BIG deal sometime in the not to distant future.

Yes sir, think you hit the nail on the head. At least I hope so. Waiting for my 3G to come on the 30th and MM would be a great way to interface.
I have had mobile me for exactly one year now. I mainly use it to sync my iPhone Macbook(s) etc.

I concur with the hopes for the server farm in NC... I would like a (cheaper) mobile me lite... just sync calendars, addresses, and (say) notes. That is all I need at the moment.

not sure where you buy MM aat but you can get it much cheaper on A...zon

Usually save 30 bucks.
I've been using .Mac/Mobile me for quite sometime now and while the service is far from perfect, it does have some great features that are used daily. Keeping my mail, calendar, bookmarks, and contacts all in sync between my iMac, MBP, iPhone, and iPad is worth the price alone for me. I can seamlessly transition from one device to another for the most part and still have access to the information that I use daily.

Because I'm constantly using one of the above devices, I rarely, if ever actually use the MM web interface. iDisk has proven useful for keeping important documents handy, but it is far from perfect. More then anything, it's extremely slow, especially when dealing with larger files, like .psd files which I use often. And, I am still waiting for an iPad version that makes better use of the real estate.

For $99 a year, I expect more from Apple and I am optimistic that once the data center is up and running, we will start to see a stronger presence from Apple in the cloud realm. There are a lot of fantastic ideas here as to where things are going and I can only hope that Apple is following the same train of thought.

For me, I would very much like to see total integration of Mobile Me's services, iWork, iDisk, and iTunes - making the transition to devices where local storage is secondary to cloud storage. Why shouldn't we be able to have one library for everything to access? My Apple TV should be able to access the same media libraries as the rest of my devices, regardless of location. And should I be traveling or in a situation where cloud access is completely impossible, I'd like to be able to keep a few local copies of whatever media I want to consume on whatever device I am using.

I just made my first trip with my iPad. Forgoing wifi access on the plane, I chose to instead download a ton of articles and white papers I simply hadn't had time to read with Instapaper and Goodreader. Worked like a charm, and I split my time watching Zombieland and reading some great articles from a few of my favorite sites. Problem is, everything feels like a workaround. I like Apple, because I actually enjoy and appreciate their closed ecosystem. Jobs said it best - "It just works...." Well, not yet, but I am hopeful. I don't want to have to think about how I am managing my media/data - it should all be accessible, anywhere, from any device, at anytime.

It's Apple. If they can make the iPad, surely they can offer us an innovative solution for storing and consuming all the content we are creating and collecting.

Sorry for the long post.
I agree, mobileme is indeed worth it for me as I have multiple devices as evidenced by my signature below. I use MM for iDisk, syncing of EVERYTHING. I was frustrated earlier when I didn't have MM and I had my MBP, Mac Mini, iPhone 3GS. Now I'm not because MM helps me with all the syncing. I have no problem with the iDisk now since I made it an on-computer iDisk and it syncs after I've put files in it. So everything I access in iDisk is a LOT faster. I sure hope Apple soon fixes and update the iPad version of MM. We all want a higher resolution app, faster and easier to use to make it "just work". An iDisk syncing is good since it uses iWork in the iPad. Maybe it'll come this Fall when the new iPad OS comes out after the iPhone's OS4?
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