Insofar as the m-series Macs go (and RAM)...
Fishrrman's observation:
16gb of RAM is "the new 8".
I wouldn't recommend any m-series Mac UNLESS it has 16gb RAM or greater.
Unfortunately, this reality didn't become apparent until after the m-series was in "general usage".
An 8gb m-series Mac is roughly "as well equipped" as was the 4tb 2014 Mac Mini.
(which, of course, isn't sayin' much, as the 4gb 2014 Mini was "speed-hobbled" by low RAM).
Personal experience:
I have a new 2021 MacBook Pro 14" (base model with m1pro CPU) and 16gb RAM.
I have DISABLED VM disk swapping using terminal, forcing the OS and all apps to run in "physical RAM". No "page ins" or "page outs".
I've had no problems after doing so, not a single crash at all.
Runs great that way.