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Jun 18, 2010
It isn't a 6SE.

It isn't a 5SE.

It's an SE. Of all people anywhere on the planet, the people in this forum should know this. And no, it isn't "less confusing" to call it by an incorrect name, as some people claim for some bizarre reason, usually "because it looks the same as the 5S." Well then by all means, we can all start calling the 7 the 6SS since "it looks the same as the 6".

It has a name, use it.
U mad? It's just a name. Chillax.

We call the original iPhone the 2G and we all know what we are referring to. Do we have to call it iPhone or the original iPhone or iPhone from 2007? We all have nicknames too. Nothing wrong calling SE the 5SE since that is what it looks like.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2015
Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'll save up and buy either a 6 or 6s, as I've seen some cheap ones. Would 16gb be a stupid move?


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
Hey all, so i was going to buy the 5s, but i due to other reasons i am now opting for the 5c. I'd just like to know will this phone last me another 2 years until i'm earning enough to buy the iphone 6s or 7 when the price comes down? I don't play too heavy games, and camera quality seems alright, much better than my stuffed nexus 5 i'd guess.


If you can find it for a much lower price than the other iPhone models then go for it. Don't let others force you into getting something you can't afford.

I'd have thought you could easily pick up a 5s for around the same money as a 5c, so look around online for some good deals. Also, I am sure lots of iPhone 6 models will receive a discount now the 7 is available.
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macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'll save up and buy either a 6 or 6s, as I've seen some cheap ones. Would 16gb be a stupid move?
I'd go with a 5S Or an SE.

6S would be good too, obviously.

16GB depends on you and your usage. I got by with 16GB for a long time and know others who are still happy with it. Only you know your needs.
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