An iPad Pro has more power than most laptops (see link below), flexibility and versatility depend on the user. It all really depends on the user.
I know very well those benchmark. The specs of the iPad pro are indeed amazing. It has a lot of (wasted?) power. Still I have to say that my MacBook Air from 2013 runs High Sierra, after multiple OS updates, as smooth as the day I bought it. Sadly, more smoothly than how my iPad Pro runs iOS11. And I’m curious about performance in 5 years. Will my iPad Pro be as fast as today? Will it be fast at all or will it struggle to run the basic operating system? I hope past trends are not an indicator here.
Also, I strongly disagree that flexibility and versatility depend on the user. A user may or may not need them, but they are an intrinsic part of the system. I can go with my mac around the world and even in areas with no signal at all i can share massive amount of data with anyone, in a few seconds and in a simple way. In these kinds of situations, with an iPad you cannot get a simple PDF file from a usb drive. You have your iPad pro, you have your 50$ usb adapter, you have a usb drive and you also need a power plug, for some reasons. And it still won’t work! Depending on iCloud bugs you might not even be able to access your own files (somehow iCloud drives keeps deleting my files from the devices, probably to optimize space, but i have 150GB of free space). It kind of defeats the purpose of an ultralight, ultraportable device if I also have to bring around my heavy mac just to be sure that if internet is not present, or slow, I can still get my work done with a silly hard drive or usb pen.
Sure. I agree. That’s my point. I would love to be able to live with just my bicycle, but I cannot, because some people needs cars and a bicycle is not a car replacement, although totally adeguate, even perfect for people who don’t need cars. Now, what bothers me a little is that, unlike a bicycle with a car, an iPad could easily be a laptop replacement, without damaging people who are already happy with it. Hopefully, in a few years. It’s sure taking its time.If you need a car to get you to work, because the car is the only device that will take you there then yes that sucks for you. But if you worked across there street and didn’t require the car, then why would you own the car?
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