Are there any other options than sprint and verizon? I see virgin has a device, but it is USB. Are there others stand alone products coming?
I have ipad wifi. Although I am willing to get another 3g, I just want to make sure I is the best option. My wife and I both have itouchs (actually they are origianl iPhones with no service). But I would want to provide her with wifi with either a stand alone or an ipad 3g. She will probably also keep my wifi ipad.
I am on the sprint network already stuck on an older plan with a centro which is the last smart phone slowed on the plan I have with out paying another $75 per month.
Thanks for any additional suggestions that aren't already listed her I just feel like there must be another solution. If only just about to come out.
The other option is to buy a PHS 300 by Cradlepoint or similar device (it is the one I have). It takes a 3G USB stick and makes it so you can use it over wifi. I use it with my MBP and iPad with the Virgin USB stick (it is on the sprint network). On their website they show which ones are compatible.