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Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Thanks! I figured it out. I was able to enable TRIM with the trimforce command. Enabling TRIM seems have made reboots super quick. Booting up is not as quick as my Macbook Pro though. Any suggestions?
One more thing to do... command-r boot to recovery then start Disk Utility from there and run First Aid on the boot disk. In the dialogue towards the end you should see a line that says something like "Trimming unused blocks..."

Then reboot.

What that does is now that you have enabled TRIM, it TRIMs the unused space on the drive and improves read speeds.


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2009
Thanks! I figured it out. I was able to enable TRIM with the trimforce command. Enabling TRIM seems have made reboots super quick. Booting up is not as quick as my Macbook Pro though. Any suggestions?

Boot times can vary by machine for a lot of reasons.. extra drives hung off a Mac Pro will slow it down, processor speed, etc., etc.. Glad you got TRIM working.. Better for the SSD's overall life..


macrumors 65816
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle Area (NOT! Microsoft)
Slightly OT, but not far. Looking to (eventually) install HS on my 27" iMac which has an OWC Mercury 6G SSD which was installed in late 2015. OWC says you don't need trim enabled on their SSDs, and it isn't on this one (I'm now running El Cap). I'd like to avoid odd slow-down behaviors if I can when I do the Upgrade Tango - is this true that OWC SSDs are fine without using trim?


macrumors 604
Nov 23, 2012
^^^^Many threads on this. Basically OWC is FOS. There SSDs and memory products a pure crap IMHO. I stay far away from them. TRIM is necessary to keep an SSD in top running condition. Now, some folks with OWC SSDs have no trouble and a few have reported issues. Also, OWC SSDs are not compatible with APFS, so upgrading to HS is out of the question for you. See this thread on OWC & TRIM:

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macrumors 65816
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle Area (NOT! Microsoft)
From what I read, it's the OWC Aura SSDs that are a problem, not the Mercury 6G SSD that I have. I've read a lot about using (or not using) trim, and for every expert who says 'run always on all SSDs' you can find another (not necessarily affiliated with OWC) who throws the BS flag on that. Very specific question here - has anyone with my particular SSD in an iMac seen this same slow-down on HS and did enabling trim do anything to fix the problem?


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
From what I've read, technically not all SSDs are helped much by TRIM, BUT those SSDs generally are specifically designed to run without TRIM. So they would be good in say an external USB drive, etc. However, those SSDs would have increased wear and lower speeds. For example, back in the day before OS X supported TRIM, Apple used SSDs with a specific Toshiba-based controller. That SSD from Apple (and from other brands like the Kingston V+100) did very well without TRIM, but it was not a fast performing SSD.

In 2018 however, a main boot SSD should be using TRIM.

I've never quite understood why people get OWC SSDs when they do not need to. Sure, if you must use an odd Apple-specific form factor SSD that OWC makes, then sure, get the OWC SSD. However, for other mainstream SSDs you're better off going with the proper name brand, for various reasons.

Similarly, OWC memory is extremely popular, but as far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't be. We have no idea what RAM OWC uses, and what quality it is, yet OWC RAM often isn't exactly cheap. For example, OWC RAM has been more expensive at times than even Crucial RAM, even though Crucial is a top tier brand of a major RAM manufacturer, that being Micron. At best, OWC could be considered a 2nd tier memory brand, so they should be charging 2nd tier prices or less. I guess people like OWC because they cater to the Mac market. If you buy Mac RAM from OWC, it should work in your Mac. The main issue is that people find when they buy other RAM from other brands, it may not work in Macs. But the reason for that is usually because they bought the wrong RAM, not because the RAM is faulty. To be fair though, OWC does often charge less for RAM than the top tier brands. It just gets me that people will default to OWC regardless, because of name recognition, even if the RAM costs more than 1st tier brands.


macrumors 65816
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle Area (NOT! Microsoft)
Memory from Crucial, if you must know. Don't know why there's all this bad juju towards OWC. I've used them for many years, as have clearly many others, and never had a problem that they didn't help sort out to my satisfaction. My iMac is running just fine on El Cap, and I've had that OWC SSD in the box for over two years running 24x7. Just trying to find out if anyone has had trouble (of the slow booting variety) using HS on a iMac with an OWC Mercury 6G SSD running untrimmed.
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