Thanks to those who offered help without judgement or assumptions about me. For the others; go a little easy on me, I am not some ignorant rich kid like some are suggesting here, I am looking into upgrading what I have, if I just wanted to be the rich kid and just buy another, I would not have even bothered to ask here.
Since this is an open forum with knowledgeable people, I thought this would be an OK place to ask, for help on this, not to be chided, lectured or shamed for exploring options, I am trying to balance what I know with the amount of time or money I am willing to spend, and I feel this is OK to do.
Be aware that not all have as much knowledge of machines, and do not mess with them in the depth that some do here. There are other perspectives; some people value their time more, and would rather spend a little more to get things done than than spend all their time fixing or replacing things, while others prefer to mess with hardware more.
For some people, it is a better option to buy another item, it saves them time fiddling with things, does not mean they are rich spoiled people. I am just trying to gage what I want to do that is all.
Perhaps this was not the best place to ask about this, I have had some trouble on this forum before, maybe it is me, or maybe some have strong feelings about some things, I will now go and look more online about this, peace out.