I was wondering...
since Apple changed to intel, i head nothing but problems.
Mac Intels are out for how long now? 6 months or more, right?
there's almost none software running native on the intel , except for a few wich i realy dont care about. ( i use photoshop 100% of the time)
Changing a processor is a huge step, and the softwares are facing a hard time running on intel.
Even so, intel is about to reselase the new 64bit processors.
Don't you think that we should await for the 64bits era? I mean, we are living in a transition age. Apple is now seting lower prices for theirs computers in an effort to gain market share. this move will completely change the market cos now ordinary consumers can buy a Mac easily.
maybe Apple will lose it's "magic", and just become another brand, intead of the "out of the box" brand power.
For the first time ever we see apple using integrated graphics, running windows, having a lot of build quality issues and so on...
what can we expect now?
I realy would like to but a Mac, but I guess i'll wait 6 more months, or more, until things calm down, and the company get in tracks again...
since Apple changed to intel, i head nothing but problems.
Mac Intels are out for how long now? 6 months or more, right?
there's almost none software running native on the intel , except for a few wich i realy dont care about. ( i use photoshop 100% of the time)
Changing a processor is a huge step, and the softwares are facing a hard time running on intel.
Even so, intel is about to reselase the new 64bit processors.
Don't you think that we should await for the 64bits era? I mean, we are living in a transition age. Apple is now seting lower prices for theirs computers in an effort to gain market share. this move will completely change the market cos now ordinary consumers can buy a Mac easily.
maybe Apple will lose it's "magic", and just become another brand, intead of the "out of the box" brand power.
For the first time ever we see apple using integrated graphics, running windows, having a lot of build quality issues and so on...
what can we expect now?
I realy would like to but a Mac, but I guess i'll wait 6 more months, or more, until things calm down, and the company get in tracks again...